It's Really You

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Amy's Pov
I stood there in fear "who the fuck are you and where the fuck am I" I shout at the man all in black suit.

He started entering the room getting closer and closer to me until I was up against the cold hard pale white stone wall "first tutu tutu someone's got a potty mouth and well I'm your worst nightmare of course sweetheart" he whispers into my left ear my face dropped "just kidding omg you should have seen your face Liam and the guys hired me to keep you in check making sure you don't escape while they are out" he laughs.

He started entering the room getting closer and closer to me until I was up against the cold hard pale white stone wall "first tutu tutu someone's got a potty mouth and well I'm your worst nightmare of course sweetheart" he whispers into my left e...

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Just as he is leaving he turns around "I'm Alexander by the way" he says then shuts the bolted door "noooo let me out you psycho" I shout then the sound of bolts locking me down in this terrible place ughhh "let me out your fucking cunt" I scream "swearing and calling me names won't help you out of there sweetheart" he shouts back.

Alexander's Pov
Man I have got my work cut out for me the guys will be back soon then they can deal with her .her phone won't shut up it Is continuously going off someone really wants to know where she is, I can tell she is gonna be a pain in my ass I think as I fix us some lunch.

Amy's Pov
Laying down on the bed i am bored out of my mind I have nothing to do walking up to the door "Oi Alexander I'm bored give me something to do word search ,sudoko candy crush anything please don't leave me in here bored shitless" I shout just loud enough for him to hear.

"You were doing so well then you ruined it by swearing" he says unbolting the door I back away back onto the bed he then comes in with a tray of food and a drink and a phone I guess it's his "here I made you some food I didn't poison it or anything I ate the same food and this is my phone you can't call anyone or go on the internet without using a code that only I know so don't even try enjoy the food " he says sitting on the edge of the bed staring at me.

"You were doing so well then you ruined it by swearing" he says unbolting the door I back away back onto the bed he then comes in with a tray of food and a drink and a phone I guess it's his "here I made you some food I didn't poison it or anythin...

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Amy's Pov
Backing up on the bed I stare at the food just looking at it makes me wanna puke I hesitate as I grab the Dr Pepper "thanks but I'm not hungry" I say before taking a sip of my drink the feeling of sick travelled back up my throat "I'm gonna puke where's the bathroom " I ask clutching my stomach he points to the door to my right leaping of the bed I Sprint to the bathroom sweet I have my own bathroom emptying my stomach into the toilet bowl.

I felt a presence behind me rubbing my back and holding my hair back "shit Amy when was the last time you ate a proper meal"he questions me "umm like 2-3 weeks ago even then it was only a couple of snack bars and a protein shake" I reply wiping my mouth off then flush the toilet sitting up I lean against the cabinet "you need to eat Amy starving yourself isn't helping you "he says pulling me to my feet and bringing me back into the bedroom"but I'm never hungry though what's the point of eating if I'm not hungry " I argue with him.

The sound of a door slamming and footsteps make me freeze up "where home where you too Alexander" Liam asks he looks at me then shouts "up here with Amy" he replies as he walks towards the door I run back into the bathroom slamming the door locking it then sliding down the door "God damnit women come out of there right now" he barks pounding on the door.

Liam's Pov
It was all quite then I heard Alexander shouting and pounding on a door "what has she done now " I shout to him as I enter her room "she just locked herself in there when she heard you lot come in the house" he explains.

I motion for him to move "Amy come out you can't stay in there all day " I try and reason with her "watch me" I hear her voice break.

God damnit why is she so stubborn "what did you do" I ask him "nothing I did nothing I made her food and brought her a drink she looked at the food throw up then told me she hadn't been eating properly for 2-3 weeks then you came home then she locked herself in there" he tells me.

fuck shit cunt "Amy please come out talk to me " I try edging her out the sound of the lock unlocking makes me happy "I'll only come out if he goes away" she says Alexander gets the message then leaves pulling the door a bit.

Amy's Pov
Opening the door I come face to face with Liam he looks so worried he pulls me into a hug I hesitate but hug back "Amy we have all been worried sick about you Niall has been losing his nut not being able to find you" he says stroking my back tears pour out of my eyes that i never knew were there until Liam's shirt was soaked in my tears.

Amy's Pov Opening the door I come face to face with Liam he looks so worried he pulls me into a hug I hesitate but hug back "Amy we have all been worried sick about you Niall has been losing his nut not being able to find you" he says stroking my ...

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Suddenly the sound of footsteps come walking through the door as I look over Liam's shoulder "Amy your here" he says tears forming in his eyes.

Who is it Niall or Zayn find out in the next chapter maybe .


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