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Not many stories are like the one you are about to hear.

This story is about a brother and a sister.

The girl was born in a small town that was surrounded by wilderness all around.

Her parents named her Jesse.

A name that means gift.

She was definetly a gift to the town as she brought hope and joy.

When, only a year later, they had a son, they named him Jess.

He too brought joy.

The two grew more and more, making them more adventurous by the day.

Jesse was the first to wander out alone, at the age of six, leaving her brother with their parents.

But of course, they never knew about her going out until a year later.

When they found out, as a punishment, she was forced to take her brother any time she went out.

By this time he was six and she was seven.

Every day they went out, exploring, mining, chopping wood.

They learned to have each others backs in any situation.

A package deal, partners in crime.

You get the point.

Neither went somewhere without the other.

Since there were no other kids in the town, they became each others best friend.

But their adventures slowly got more and more wreakless, and this is where things started to go wrong.

"Jesse! Wait! Where are we going! We've gone too far!" Jess shouts to his sister who stands over looking a very fast moving river.

She scoffs, rolling her eyes.

"It'll be fine Jess. I know exactly how to get back." She says, brushing off his remark.

He sits down far away from the edge, not wanting to fall in.

Jesse was always the braver out of the two.

She keeps looking down at the water.

"Jesse, I think we should go back now. Its getting late." Jess warns, looking up to see the sun about to set.

Jesse huffs and turns around a bit annoyed.

"Why not go home? I'll catch up." She says, making him shrug.

He began to walk away when a scream hits his ears.

His sister holds onto the edge of the cliff with one hand, the other holds onto her sword.

He runs over, holding out his hand for her.

Jesse looks at the edge, she knows that it won't hold both of their weight.

"Here brother. Take it." She says, throwing her sword right in the air.

He moves back from the edge to catch it, making it perfectly land in his arms.

"Why are you giving me this?" He asks, seeing his sister look back at him, pain going through her.

"Jess, go home and get mom or dad, or anyone. You can't pull my up on your own." She orders, making him look worried.

Her eyes fill with fear, a look that Jess had never seen on her.

It made him uneasy.

"Jess! Get them no-" before she can finish the ground crumbles and she falls, hitting the rushing water.

Her head goes under and is surrounded by the suffocating water in mere seconds.

She tries to take a breath but water fills her lungs, making her black out.

Jess runs to the town, tears running down his face.

"Mom! Dad!" He screams, waking up most of the town by doing so.

His parents run out onto the porch, seeing the distress of their son.

"Whats wrong Jess? Where is Jesse?" His father asks, looking around frantically.

By now the entire town, which is about ten people, is gathered at the house.

"Jesse fell into the great river!" He exclaims, making the whole group take off immediately.

Jesse's blacked out body continues to rush downstream, and a large log blocks the top of the water, her head hitting it hard before her body sinks, continuing to float.

The town looked for days but never found her.

In other words they gave up.

They pronounced her dead, and Jess and his family moved away from the town, never wanting to be reminded by the river incident again.

Slowly, Jess' memory fades of his sister to the point where he only remembers her name and how she died.

Nothing else.

How could he forget his sister dieing in front of him?

To this day Jess hasn't spoke of his sister to anyone, not thinking it really mattered.

Jess had moved on, he had friends, he had a dream, and he knew what he wanted to do.

He even had a rival for a while.

Then the witherstorm came and flipped the world around.

When they finished off the storm for good the world was still flipped around for good.

The rivalry ended, and the new order rose from the dust of the Witherstorm.

But while they rose to fame, Jess still had his own pains, for Rueben, and his sister.

Neither of which will ever come back........

Or will they?


Hey guys. Here is the new story. Okay, so I hope you enjoy it and I'll see you all later.


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