Chapter 18- A Battle Begins

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Jesse's POV

"Louie?" I ask as the rest of my group sleeps.

The swords odd ender eye opens and he floats over.

"Yes Jesse?" He asks, making me sigh.

"Can I really beat the enderdragon?" I adl him, making a small laugh come out of somewhere.

His eye goes serious.

"Of course. But, we need to go to the end to do it. Those crystals will be back by now, and it will retreat any time you almost kill it in the over world, we need to kill it in the end." He states, making me shake my head.

"But if its gone to the end, that means....." I trail off, my eyes widening.


"Guys! Wake up!" I shout, making them all jolt awake.

I'm on my feet, staring down at them.

"We need to go warn Soren. The enderdragon is going there, and we need to stop it." I exclaim, making them nod.

Petra clicks her enchanted diamond sword on her back, while Luaks straps on his holder of arrows onto his back, holding his bow.

Jess has his enchanted Axe from his battle.

Olivia has a lot of Redstone and an enchanted diamond sword.

Axle has so many super TNT's that I doubt he will need the sword he has.

"Let's move!" Petra shouts, running in the back with me.

Jess leads the way to the portal with ender eyes, while Petra and I talk quietly.

"So, have you told that person yet?" I ask, knowing she will try to talk about my freak out yesterday.

She blushes so lightly that I bearely see it.

But I did see it.

"No. Not yet." She answers calmly.

"You should tell them, you never know what they might say." I pry, making her shake her head.

I leave it at that and we keep running.

"Jesse, what are you going to do when we get in there?" She asks, making me narrow my eyes.

Though I hate to say it, I might need to just accept what my destiny is.

Even if that destiny is dieing.

"Anything I have to." I say, making her look over at me.

She is trying to hide something as she forces her eyes away from me, and I wish she would just say something.

But with her being so stubborn, I doubt that will ever happen.

Jess suddenly disappears from our sights, and I run forward, stopping at a small drop.

"The portal is literally right here! Just jump!" He shouts up to us, making me jump.

Petra lands next to me while Olivia lands by Jess.

Axle however lands on Lukas, making us all laugh.

Luaks pushes him off, breathing like Axle knocked out his lungs.

"Dude, you really need to stop that." He says breathlessly.

Jess helps him up and we charge through the runnels, lighting them with torches as we go.

Louie pops up beside me.

"Jesse, there are monsters ahead." He warns, making me take the sword by the handle.

I run to the front of the group, setting a fire charge down the tunnel, making every monster dive out of the way.

"Found em." I say, taking out each one as if they were nothing.

They all gape at what I just did.

Even I look down at the sword, which stares back at me with a smug look.

"Are we just going to stand here and admire how amazing I am, or are we going yo save the world?" He asks, making us snap out of it.

We all nod to each other, running through the tunnels.


So many twists and turns, and dead ends, but we finally reached the portal.

Jess is placing the eyes into their slots as we destroy the spawner for silverfish.

Once they are all dead we all take a break against the walls.

Olivia, Axle, Jess and Lukas are talking on the other side of the portal as I slide down the wall to sit next to Petra.

"What's eating you?" I ask, seeing the over thinking look.

She looks over, making us both really close to each other.

The situation is very awkward as we both look away.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it." She states, making me look over at Louie.

He does this weird thing with the sides of the handle that looks like a shrug, but isn't one.

"You can talk to me. You know that." I say, wanting to get this out of her before we go through that portal.

I know that I can't get away from my destiney, but I don't think she has accepted it yet.

"I just, me and you, we are really close now Jesse. And, if your destined to die, I'm not sure if I can bear loosing you." She confesses me, surprising me.

Honestly, I want to tell her I will live, and that after this battle everything will be okay.

But I can't.

"Hey. You can survive without me." I whisper, feeling the sharp pain go through me that I felt when Ivor told me my destiney.

It makes the breath leave my lungs.

"Jesse, you don't understand, I really l-" she is cut off by a loud growling sound.

"The dragon is here!" Lukas shouts, running towards the portal.

I get everyone inside, waiting for it to come to the chamber.

It barrels through the blocks, skidding to a hault to stare me dead in the eyes.

"If I'm during, your coming down with me." I hiss, tackling its head and pulling it through the portal, making everything go black.


Hey guys. One last update for today. So I'm not sure when I will update next, mainly because I go back to school on Wednesday, and I get braces tomorrow. Yeah. Fun week. So I'll try to update soon and I'll see you all next time!


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