Chapter 15- Never Alone

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Jesse's POV

We stopped to rest after getting across the river, all of us tiered after everything that just happened.

My cheek still hurts from the slap Petra gave me before, but I'm glad she quite literally slapped some sense into me.

Olivia is fast asleep against Axle's shoulder, who rests his head on hers, both out for the count.

Jess just stares at the fire we made, almost like he wants to see something there.

Petra is sitting next to me, looking like she needs sleep, but won't let herself get any.

Its silent with the icasional crackling of the fire.

"How are we going to do this?" Jess asks, sounding like he needs to know.

I sigh.

"We will fix this, I promise you guys that." I mutter, not really wanting to talk right now.

Jess gets the point and goes back to staring deep into the fire.

Petra slowly starts to fall asleep, trying yo keep her eyes open.

"Just go to sleep. We have a big day tomorrow." I whisper, making her look up at me.

There is something about the way her eyes stare into mine, but I just miss it because they close.

She snuggles into my side, making me a bit surprised and shocked.

Though I don't push her away, I simply put my arm around her, staring at the fire.

Slowly, my eyes start to close, and I drift off to sleep.

"Jesse. Open your eyes." A familiar voice says gently in a gruff way.

I open my eyes to see Magnus, looking down at me.

"Why am I back up here with you?" I ask him, not really liking it up here anymore.

It was dark, quiet, and lacked people.

He simply smiles.

"I need to warn you Jesse. About this group. You heard what Soren said did you not?" He asks, staring at me pointedly.

"Believe me, I tried to get them not to come, but they won't let me go alone." I state, making him frown.

"Jesse, the order and I, we may have gone together, but we didn't come out the same. What I'm trying to say is that you should make sure you can trust the people that you take along with you for this mission." He says, resting his hand on my shoulder.

I nod to him.

"I trust them Magnus. Even Lukas who I just met. None of them seem like they could be bad." I state, making him sigh.

The dream starts to fade.

"I didn't mean them." He hisses before the ground beneath my feet disappears.

I jolt forward, breathing as if I couldn't for the whole night.

My body felt like I hadn't been actually in it at night, like Magnus took my spirit up to him, not just talked in my dream.

I move my fingers, making them hurt slightly.

"Jesse? Are you okay?" Petra asks from the middle of the clearing quietly.

The rest of our group is asleep, and I nod, getting up.

"I'm fine. How are you?" I ask, making her look down at her shoes.

"Well, actually I need your advice." She admits, making me nod.

She starts to walk away from the camp and I follow, staying in step.

"Okay, so, let's say you liked someone you were really close to, but you don't think they liked you back. What would you do?" She rambles, not sounding like herself.

I think about that for a minuet.

She looks as if she couldn't sleep at all because of how much is bouncing around her mind, and I feel bad.

"Well, I would tell them, and hope that if they didn't like me back, that the worst they could say is they didn't feel the same." I say with a shrug as I reach into the tree to get an apple.

She seems to be staring down at her feet.

"What if you weren't too sure about your feeling yourself?" She asks, making me walk up to her.

I grab her shoulders and look directly into her eyes.

"When you like someone that you think you don't like Petra, any time someone says it you will deny it, but there will be a different way you say it. Most people it will sound normal to, but to your closest friends, they know." I answer, not exactly sure how I know this.

She stares back at me, nodding.

"Okay. Thanks Jesse." She mutters, walking across the path to pick the apples.

She is still not like herself today, and I think it might just be from the lack of sleep that I know she had.

"Hey Petra?" I ask, making her turn.

"You know you can talk to me anytime right?" I ask, wanting to clarify that.

She nods.

"And you know you'll never be alone. Right?" She asks, making me turn around.

"Sure." I lie smoothly, making her go back to picking apples.

There is no way she can promise that.


Hey guys. I hope you liked the chapter. So if you guys weren't able to tell, this story is slowly coming to a close. Not to worry. There should be at least twenty chapters. Since we are only at fifteen, I think we are good for a bit. So I will see you guys soon!


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