12. Plot Twist.

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I'm sorry for not putting up a chapter yesterday; I was busy (I still am but I would like to do a chapter before I go.) Since I'm leaving tomorrow for the week, after this chapter, I won't post until at least next Monday. Cool? Cool.

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It's been a couple weeks since Jake wanted to get revenge on Chresanto. The house has been quiet and school has been boring. To lighten things up, today was the first day of football tryouts. Roshon and Chres went to the locker rooms and changed into sweats and headed outside to the field, where the other people who wanted to tryout. Still waiting on the coach, more people came through, including a girl.

All the boys looked at her walk towards them and talked under their breath as she sat down with the group. "Um, excuse me miss, but the cheerleaders are over there!" some boy hollered from the top of the stands. "Yea girl, we don't want you chipping any nails or anything!" another boy shouted. She ignored them both.

She was dressed like the rest of the guys, sweatpants and a tank top with her hair pulled back. She had long gold hair and was thick and at mid-height. She leaned against the fence so she wouldn't have to sit near any boys to bother her. Shortly after, the coach came. Before he could say anything, he questioned the girl. "And why might you be here?"

"To try out for football."

"Glad to hear it," he said. His focus was back on track. "Listen up, all of you. I'm Coach Valdez. As of right now, you guys are showing me that you think you got what it takes to be on my team. I don't care what you have done or what you can't do. If you want to be here and show it to me, you might just get in. On the other hand, I won't sugar coat the obvious. If you want to be a dumbass on my field and not show me your efforts, leave. Now. I don't want you. Any questions so far?" No one responded. "Good. Now, I'm gonna go around and I want you guys to state your names and positions, starting with you, sweetheart," Coach said, pointing at the only girl. "Ilianeliz Wright, wide receiver."

"Not bad.. next!"

"Chresanto August, quarter back."

"Um, Roshon Fegan. Running back." After the line, there were in total 23 boys and 1 girl. Coach advised everyone to do drills and sprints, and yet, Ilianeliz was ahead of everyone. With their first day of tryouts halfway over, they all took a break. "Damn girl, you really a man under all that?" a boy complained out of breath. She gave him a dirty look, "no, but I'm taking this more like a man than you are, complaining over there." The boy grew silent but his friend came to stick up for him. "Seems like you're cranky. You haven't been getting any pipe lately, huh? Is that why you're here?"

"Lay off, man. She just wants to play," Roshon said from a distance. Everyone turned around to look at him, including Chresanto. "Oooh. You're sticking up for your girl?" the boy snickered, walking to Roshon. "She's not my girl. As of right now, she's my team mate. You are too. Why don't you act like it?" Everyone was shocked at Roshon's sudden rush of confidence. From the sidelines, Coach Valdez saw the boys step up to each other and decided to break it up. "Hey hey hey, make some room. What's the problem, fellas?"

"Nothing much-"

"This guy was bothering her so I asked him to stop." Roshon interrupted. Coach looked at the boy destinctively. "What's your name again, son?"


"Well, Trevante.. leave her alone or I'll make sure you'll never step near my field again, understood?"


"And you," the coach pointed at Roshon. "Next time, let her fight for her problems. On this team, you guys are equal, regardless of gender. Got that?"

"Yes sir."

"Good." The coach walked back to his seat on the bleachers to watch them finish their drills. "I had things under control," Ilianeliz whispered to Roshon. "Leave me be." She walked away from the group and back to the course. Trevante glared at Roshon and did the same. "Forget them, bro. You ain't here for them, remember?" Chresanto said, nudging Roshon. He nodded back at him and continued on with the tryouts.

Their first day went well. Roshon was indeed fast like he said but he needed more work with coordination. Chresanto was all around a good player. As a kid, one thing he was best at was playing football with with his friends. Ilianeliz was just as good as he was, and so was Trevante. In fact, they were the best three out there. Chresanto promised to help Roshon with football, only if he'd continue to help him with school for better grades. Finally things were going right.

Back at the hospital, Jordan was finishing up his shift and going to get an MRI for his tumor. After it would be done, Michelle agreed to be there to stay with him for a while. Finally, that time had come. Jordan waited his room for the doctor to give him his update. While waiting, one of the nurses he was usually with came in. Her name was Sandra. "Jordan!" she shouted excitedly. She ran to him and kissed him deeply. "I haven't seen you in so long! I've been so busy.. I miss you."

"Hi babe, I've missed you too. I thought I was your number one patient but I guess not.."

"Don't be stupid! You know you're my number one. It's been a while since I showed it though.." she slowly started to kiss his neck. "Sandra, please. My wife is coming. Try to wait a little longer for me, okay?"

"Fine fine.. I'll be back." She pouted at him and left to go back to work. Shortly after, Michelle came in.

"Hey baby!" she hollered. She walked in and kissed him on the cheek. "Did that lady just give you the news?" she asked, taking a seat. Jordan started to hesitate. "Um no. No um she's actually the nurse who helps me out. She said the doctor is coming."

"You seem tensed when you shouldn't be. You never know, things might change." Michelle was right. With perfect timing the doctor came him with Jordan's update. "You must be Jordan! and you're his wife, I believe," the doctor said. "Yup! What's the news?" Jordan asked. "Honestly, I don't know what's the easy way of it but the tumor has spread faster than we thought. There's nothing to get rid of it so you won't be lasting long but we'll still try for you.. I'm sorry." Michelle covered her mouth out of shock as her eyes began to water. Jordan looked down in fear and sadness, for he was dying. "How much time I got?" he asked. "We're going to find out real soon, but as of right now, that's all we have.. but I did have more news for you." 

"What is it?"

"In your samples, we also came to conclusion of finding out you have gained an STD." Jordan and Michelle's jaws dropped. Michelle got up and slapped Jordan across his face, "Fuck you! Consider yourself kicked out and not allowed back in that house, you liar!" She ran out the room but he didn't stop her. He was in such surprise, he didn't know what to do anymore.

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**I will post the links of where to see everyone's faceclaims later!

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