39. Backing Out?

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[A/N: This story finally got to 10k! Thank you for reading; Just so everyone knows (forreals this time) the story will be ending soon. There's just a couple more chapters left. Cool? Cool.]

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Bahja stood in the doorway, glaring her dad in the face, breathing heavily. "Why are you here?" she growled. "That's no way to greet your father, Bahja. We taught you better than this."

"You were barely a father to me! Ya know what? Forget this. Chresanto, let's go.." Bahja turned away and started making her way to the car. It seemed like all the effort to come was meant for nothing. She promised herself to never return home, only because of the damage her father caused her in her life. The illusion of him being gone for good meant she could finally have her family in her life again; sadly, that wasn't happening. As she walked away angrily, something caused her to stop in her path; it was the sound of her sister's voice coming out the room. "Bahja! Wait, come back!" Bahja's heart dropped from the voice she hasn't heard in years, bringing nostalgia. She slowly started walking back to the room; Her eyes starting building up water and her voice began to crack, "L-Lourdes? Lo, is that you?" Lourdes slowly peeked her head out the doorway and went out into the hall. The two sisters stared back at each other, overwhelmed with emotions. After the long pause, they ran into each other for a big hug. "I missed you so much, Lo.." Bahja muffled tearfully into her sister's shoulder. "I missed you too, Bahj. Don't leave us like that again. Please stay with us." Bahja let go and held Lourdes by her shoulders, "I dunno if I can do that.."

"Yes you can! Please! He doesn't hurt us anymore!"

"That doesn't mean he wouldn't do it again."

"He's changed!"

"What makes you so sure?"

"We just know.. spend time with us and you'll see. If not.. I'll leave with you. I dunno about mom but I've been dealing with pain for too long and never knew where to go. Fighting back when I need to ain't enough anymore.." Bahja tucked in her lips and nodded, "..okay. I'll stay for a couple days. My friend is gonna stay too, if that's cool."

"Yea, it's cool. He's pretty cute too.."

"Oh God, no," Bahja chuckled. "Hey Chresanto, we're staying!" He was staring off the balcony dazedly the whole time, not paying attention to anything; When Bahja called out to him, his daze was broken. "Huh?"

"Nigga, we're staying! Damn.."

"Oh, aight." Chresanto began walking into the room and stopped next the two sisters. "So this is your sister, Lourdes? I'm Chres. Bahja talks alot about you." Lourdes smiled with her dimples slightly showing. "And you have nice dimples.. not to be weird."

"It's not weird. Thank you, Chres." Chresanto went on walking into the room and introduced himself to Bahja's parents; Bahja followed to greet her mother. "Mommy!" she shouted, running into her mother's arms. "Bahja! Oh baby, I missed you.. and your hair! It's so pink!"

"I missed you too.. You don't like my hair?"

"It's wonderful.. it suits your crazy personality."

"Hehe, thanks mommy.. this is my friend, Chresanto, I was telling you about. It's okay that he stays with us, right?"

"Of course but uh, where do you plan to let him sleep though?"

"He can sleep in my bed or we can get another room. You know I don't like boys so don't worry about me."

"I'm not convinced. Sleep with Lourdes' and he can sleep on the couch." Bahja groaned and obeyed her mother's rules. Her mother went back into her room with Bahja's father and agreed to catch up with her after Bahja reflourished her relationship with Lourdes for a while. As for Chresanto, this was another chance to call Kiloni again. He stepped back outside and looked out over the balcony with his phone in his ear. After a couple rings, someone finally picked up. "Hello?"

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