42. A Turn For The Worst.

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Chresanto drifted around the curb and sped off down the street. They were all five minutes away from the hospital, but at the speed of what the car was going, the time went down to two minutes. Roshon was becoming less responsive; it was just a matter of time that he wouldn't respond at all. "Keep him talking, we're almost there!" Chresanto shouted to Ilianeliz. "Roshon.. tell me how ya feelin'.."

"I.. pain.." Roshon's weak body laid across Ili's lap; she craddled his head up as she applied pressure to his wound. Her eyes watered and her voice began to crack and trail off into crying, "Chresanto, please hurry up, I'm starting to lose him.." He turned on another curb, finally arriving at the emergency. Once the car came to an absolute stop, Chresanto got out, went into the backseat, grabbed Roshon and threw him over his shoulder. As heavy as he was, Chresanto just wanted to saved him. He ran into the emergency room lobby, yelling, "Someone come help us! My friend is internally bleeding in his chest, please help us!" Moments later, a gurney came for Roshon and took him into care. After he was put onto a gurney, a nurse came with a another gurney for Chresanto. He was completely bruised up and bloody, he didn't even realize it. There was still a bullet in his arm, there was dried up blood on his face and his stomache was bruised. It was now that he could finally get some rest.

As for Ilianeliz, she decided to go park the car then go check on Roshon and Chresanto. She found Chresanto but Roshon was in intensive care. His bullet was removed and stitched up. Ilianeliz sat next to his bed as Chresanto laid back with his hands intertwined on his stomache. "How you feeling?" she asked. "I've been better, that's for sure.." Ilianeliz let out a small laugh, so it would seem like things were less weird. "I need to ask.. what happened? Like why were we taken to the middle of nowhere? Why were you in the trunk? 'Cause it doesn't make sense to me.. I know Roshon didn't like me and all that but.. I don't get it." Ilianeliz took a deep breath then explained everything from telling Roshon she got raped up to hopping into the trunk before going to get Chresanto. At times, his eyes would widen at the things Ili said or his eyes would trail off because it was almost unbelievable and hard to comprehend why. "Was it good?"


"The pipe!"

"Oh please.. but actually yes. He learns fast."

"That's my boy, haha." They chuckled for a moment then their smiles faded away. "I got another question.. why are you letting him do this? The first time I saw you, Roshon was tryna step up for you and you weren't having it. You wanted to fight your own battles. What about now?" Ilianeliz put her arm on her leg and put her chin into her hand to hold her up. She took a moment to think back on what Chres was talking about.

..Today was the first day of football tryouts. Roshon and Chres went to the locker rooms and changed into sweats and headed outside to the field, where the other people who wanted to tryout. Still waiting on the coach, more people came through, including a girl.

All the boys looked at her walk towards them and talked under their breath as she sat down with the group. "Um, excuse me miss, but the cheerleaders are over there!" some boy hollered from the top of the stands. "Yea girl, we don't want you chipping any nails or anything!" another boy shouted. She ignored them both.

She was dressed like the rest of the guys, sweatpants and a tank top with her hair pulled back. She had long gold hair and was thick and at mid-height. She leaned against the fence so she wouldn't have to sit near any boys to bother her. Shortly after, the coach came. Before he could say anything, he questioned the girl. "And why might you be here?"

"To try out for football."

"Glad to hear it," he said. His focus was back on track. "Listen up, all of you. I'm Coach Valdez. As of right now, you guys are showing me that you think you got what it takes to be on my team. I don't care what you have done or what you can't do. If you want to be here and show it to me, you might just get in. On the other hand, I won't sugar coat the obvious. If you want to be a dumbass on my field and not show me your efforts, leave. Now. I don't want you. Any questions so far?" No one responded. "Good. Now, I'm gonna go around and I want you guys to state your names and positions, starting with you, sweetheart," Coach said, pointing at the only girl. "Ilianeliz Wright, wide receiver."

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