26. Get A Bit Closer..

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Quick question. From the last chapter, do you think Abby is right or no? Just curious.

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Chresanto is stuck in the position of having guilt hovering over his head. Ilianeliz confronting him had him shook because he didn't know if she would really tell someone or not. That's all he really thought about. If anyone knew that Chres was involved in her rape, the consequences would be worse than ever.

The whole school day, he was distracted and caught up inside his mind. When it was time for practice, Chres sat out, claiming he didn't feel well. Everytime he saw Ili or she saw Chres, they would trade glares; hers looked devilish and Chresanto's looked scared. After practice, Chres didn't wait for anyone, he just went to the bus stop and headed to therapy. He ended up showing up early so he just sat out front to clear his thinking. 10 minutes later, the session was starting.

The chairs were set up in a circle like always and everyone was somewhat talking to each other. The thing was, Chres and Jennifer made no progress whatsoever. She never talked to Chres when he tried to text or call her. Jennifer has no intention of making friends with any one of those people, but she was there by force so she has to deal with them. "Hey hey hey! I'm glad you guys are finally talking to each other but I got a few announcements!" Vanessa shouted, silencing everyone. "Okay.. welcome back from another week, everyone. Before we discuss how our weeks went, I want to change up partners. It wouldn't be right to make you guys talk to only ONE person. We have to work like a team to help each other, you know?" Some people nodded, others didn't respond.

Vanessa got up and grabbed a clickboard off the table next to her. "Alright so I picked your partners beforehand since.. I didn't like the hat that much, haha. The new partners are Daniel and Christopher, Khalil and Jawan, Chres and Bahja, Jennifer and I. All of you are cool with that?" Everyone shrugged since they had no choice. "Great! This is going better than I thought.. I'll be changing partners again in about two weeks. Now let's start with our discussion."

After an hour of talking and babbling, the session ended. Everyone exchanged numbers again and went their own ways. Chres and Bahja sorta stayed behind, getting caught up in a conversation. They started walking down to the bus stop together. "Oh my God, Christopher was sooo annoying!" Bahja said through her teeth. "I swear, he'd hit me up every hour like 'what are you doing?' or 'do you want to hang out?' and I'm just like NO, NIGGA. SCURT."

"At least your partner talked to you! Home girl liked to keep her distance, no matter what."

"She didn't talk to you? At all?"

"Only the first couple days. Then she just tuned me out."

"Maybe she got problems of her own holding her back.. you never know."

"I guess.. where you going after this? We should hang out or somethin'.."

"I would, like you're mad cool and all, but I already had plans with my girlfriend. I'll text you and check another time."

"Oh alright, I'll talk to you later."

"Bye, Chres!" Bahja headed for the incoming bus and Chres went to see his childhood friends. Neither one of them knew they had a mutual friend, aka Ilianeliz.

At home, Jordan was still moping around with nothing to do. Along with that, Michelle still made him sleep on the couch and ignored his existance. Honestly, he is trying to persuade her to forgive him. He cleans and cooks just so she doesn't have to, but it just makes her go to her room or leave the house to do whatever. This time, Jordan is trying a diffrent approach. He stopped by one of the local stores and bought flowers to leave on Michelle's bed. Jordan was even sure to get her favorites, Marigolds.

When she got home from work, Michelle saw that Jordan was asleep on the couch. She scoffed and went straight to her room. As always, it was clean and organized with the flowers standing out of the whole room. A smirk grew along her face as she walked towards them. Picking them up, Michelle looked for a note on who it's from: "Jordan." Her smirk somewhat faded then she smelled her bouquet. She saw it as a step towards forgiveness but not completely.

Chresanto and Kiloni would have the signature late night conversations every once in a while. Since Chres was sleeping in Courtlen's room now, he'd just go to Kiloni's room to talk. Courtlen didn't want to be involved with Kiloni so he wouldn't question Chres leaving to go to her room. Kiloni and Chres sat back together on the end of the bed, watching netflix on Loni's laptop. "Did you apologize to Abby?" Chresanto asked. "Yes.. she didn't forgive me though.. she just being stingy, I dunno."

"Well, maybe you need to show her you're sorry instead of saying it.. words don't mean shit sometimes."

"I guess.." Kiloni slumped more into her bed and laid her head on Chresanto's shoulder. "You should really stash food in here if you're gonna let me chill here because niggas be getting hungry.." he complained. Loni chuckled and picked her head up to look at Chres, "I never said thank you.."

"For what?" he asked, looking back at her. "For taking care of me at the party. I don't even drink but I was in a bad mood so I just did.."

"I know what dudes are capable of, especially the ones that be with Jake.. I just wanted to look out for you so no problem, I guess." Kiloni looked at him with a lost look in her eyes staring back at him. They sat there silently and leaned in close. Soon after, they finally kissed.. again. At first, it was long and harmless but it started to get passionate and lustful. Kiloni held on Chresanto's neck and laid back on the bed, with him laying on her. He put his hand on her waist and let his hand rise up with her shirt. When she realized what was happening, she pushed Chres away from her lips and looked at him. "Chres.. I still have a boyfriend." He tucked in his lips and sat up, twiddling his fingers. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for that to happen," she added. Kiloni wiped her lips and sat up next to Chres. An awkward silence grew between them. "I think I should go now.." he blurted out. Kiloni nodded and waved as he left the room.

"FUCK.." Kiloni thought.

"What's keeping her with him..?" Chres thought.

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