35. Cause & Effect.

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After Chresanto and Bahja's altercation, Vanessa called their guardians and their social workers. Since Chresanto's social worker is Michelle, Vanessa called her boss; He eavesdropped to their convesation. By what he heard, Vanessa thought Michelle wasn't emotionally capable to take care of Chresanto anymore after what she's been through lately. She highly recommended that Chresanto should leave her home for someone better.

An hour or so later, Chresanto was on his way home with Michelle. She had one arm on the steering wheel and the other holding her head up, leaning on her car door. She sighed deeply and calmly started speaking, "why would you put your hands on a female.."

"She said things that triggered me, that's all. It crossed the line and I just lost it."

"Chresanto, if I didn't care about helping you so bad, I'd kick you out. Like seriously. I've been bending the rules to keep you under my care. Overtime, someone could tell someone like my boss that you're acting up. After that, you're going to end up back where you started. What if you end up in a situation like your last foster home? You could die! Is that what you want?!" Chresanto didn't respond but he talked to himself in his head. "It's not what I want but it's something you'll sure get." Michelle took a quick glance at Chres looking into space. She groaned and said nothing else for the rest of the way home.

When they pulled to the house, there was an unfamiliar car in front of it. Michelle squinted at it and checked the license plates, "..isn't that Sean's car?" she asked herself. "What's my boss doing here?" Chresanto raised his eyebrows in shock. He still chose to say nothing and went towards the house with Michelle. She unlocked the door and her boss sat on the couch with Kiloni talking. Sean stopped the conversation and looked over at the door; "Oh hey, you two!" he exclaimed. Michelle and Chres put on awkward smiles, "Hey Sean.. um, what brings you here?" asked Michelle, faking a smile.

"I wanted to talk to you but you weren't here so I stayed to talk with your lovely daughter."

"Well, I'm here now.. would you like to talk in the kitchen?" Sean nodded as he raised himself off the couch. "It was nice talking to you, Kiloni."

"It was my pleasure," she sweetly replied. When the two adults left to go to the kitchen, her smile faded off her face. She slowly made her way to the stairs, staring at Chres. He had dried up blood under his nose while the area around his whole nose was red. "Why do you look like that?" she asked, examining his face. "Why do you think?" Kiloni put her fist under her chin and pouted. "Don't answer a question with a question." She grabbed his hand and went upstairs, heading towards the bathroom. She pointed at the closed toilet, "Sit." Chresanto just followed her orders.

Kiloni scavaged into the medicine cabinet inside the bathroom mirror for first aid supplies. She took a washcloth and ran it under some water to clean off the dried up blood. "Now seriously answer my question," she said, wiping Chresanto's face. "Fight with Bahja."

"You beat up a girl?" Kiloni stood up straight and put her hand on her hip. "I did it out of anger. We were arguing and she just pushed my limit and I lost it but she fought back so it's sorta fa-"

"You have a short temper at times and you need to fix that because you can't be hitting females. What if she didn't fight back?"

"I'm telling you though, she pushed my limit-"

"Who started it? Who started your arguement?"

"Technically, it was sorta me because-"

"Nope. Shut up. You're in the wrong. You failed to control yourself in a situation you put yourself in and did wrong."

"You weren't even there so how would you know? Just because I got into a fight with a girl, I'm wrong?"

"Yes. She was standing her ground in an arguement and you hit her for it so-"

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