Training: Day Two

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The second day of training has arrived. The tributes arrived at the training room, and after Lauren's speech, they split off.

Ashton stood at a station, facing boards that had outlines of human bodies and targets to their heads and hearts.

Grabbing a set of throwing knives, he hurled one at the target in the heart. It lodged a little from the middle, sinking in to the right of the center.

The avian threw another knife, but this time, it went to the top of the target, sticking in between the target of the head and the target of the heart.

He flung a third one and it wedged at the left of the target. Ashton groaned, retrieving the knives from the board.

"You have to adjust your footing," a voice muttered behind him.

Lauren was standing behind him, her arms folded across her chest. She helped him alter his footing, bring his legs into a more steady position. Motioning him to throw a knife, he hurled one at the board. It hit dead center, shocking him.

"Oh, wow...thank you," he said. Lauren nodded curtly in response, turning away.

Leonardo and Darkness sparred not far away from the target section. They both fought with katana blades, metal clashing against metal. A few other tributes stood by and watched.

Sky and Michelangelo had their eyes trained on the two turtles, waiting to see who would win. Destiny smiled as she watched her friend fight Darkness. Wesley had just stopped by and had watched the spar. Sythia glanced over with interest, but had kept her distance.

Leonardo buffeted the black-masked turtle with the hilt of his katana, making him hold his stomach, grunting. He flipped him over, sending him onto his shell. Darkness lay there, panting.

The blue-masked turtle helped him up. "Good game," he encouraged. The heterochromic turtle nodded in response, then headed off.

Caravina zipped around the flying section, strengthening her wings. She evaded the obstacles with ease. Kayla walked over, and Caravina beckoned the other dragon mutant to join her. Kayla flew up, beating her wings powerfully as she tried to reach the bell on a giant fan, which was blowing her back.

Wesley swung a dagger at a dummy, practicing his moves alone. He punched and kicked it, stabbing it with the blade.

He huffed and puffed, then stepped back for a rest, bending over and putting his hands on his knees.

An ice cold water bottle was held out to the deer mutant, and he looked up. Sky stood there, smiling lightly.

"Thanks," Wesley said, taking the bottle.

"You're welcome," she replied, her black-colored wings twitching a little. 

She flew off to the plant identification station.

Michelangelo whipped his nunchucks at a dummy close to where Wesley was, shouting his weird battle cries every now and then. He cartwheeled around the dummy, kicking it and punching it.

Sythia crept above the training hall on the stealth station. Seeing a small tanto lying on the table, she swooped in and snatched it up, scurrying away on the horizontal ladder.

Alexis whipped around, seeing that the blade was gone. "Hey--"

Sythia hurled the knife at her feet, making her flinch and jump back in shock. "Maybe you should be more observant next time," she muttered, flying away.

Sarina tapped away on the touch screen device at the plant and insect identification station. She scored a perfect 100%, grinning proudly. They cyborg walked away to the snares station, feeling pleased.

She sat down beside Donatello, who had just finished an activity, earning a high five from the instructor.

"These people are nice," the turtle said, flashing her his gap-toothed smile.

"I agree. Although I do not like the fact that we are training to kill one another in the Arena. If I were to actually kill someone, I'd rather do it indirectly," Sarina responded.

Donatello nodded understandably. "I agree. I'll see you around." He went over to the target station, picking up a crossbow and shooting at the boards. Sarina sighed, going back to the snares.

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