Breaking Apart

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Caravina touched down onto the ground after she had scanned the snowy environment.

She trudged onto the snow-covered ground. Suddenly, she heard a faint beeping noise. At first, she thought that it was a bomb, but then when she looked up, there was something floating down on a silver parachute.

She reached up and retrieved it, discovering that it was a loaf of bread. The dragon mutant smiled in delight, for she had not eaten for the past few days. There was a note attached to it.

"Hope you survive. Enjoy, Mr. and Mrs. Prescott."

Caravina tore a chunk of bread and popped it into her mouth. It was warm, and she savored the taste, although it wasn't much.

She flew up and settled down in a tree, filling her empty stomach up.


The group of six walked through the forest. Fortunately for them, none of their group members have been eliminated yet.

The Careers settled down under a large tree and made their camp there. There was plenty of shade, and a cool breeze blew past them every now and then.

"Alright, let's take out all our items and see what we have," Darkness instructed, as he was the leader of the group. He overturned his survival kit, spilling all the contents out. A canteen of water, a bottle of alcohol, a rug, and an apple fell out.

Shadow opened her's up. She took out a box of matches, a canteen of water, and a dagger.

"I've only snagged these." Penelope shrugged, placing a pair of night vision glasses in front of her. Hazel pulled out a coil of rope and a spool of wire.

"If we don't have enough food, I can hunt," Shadow offered.

"Yes, that would be great," Alexis replied. "Thank you."

There was a moment of silence that spread across the group of Careers.

There was a rustling noise. The group straightened up in alarm, looking around. Suddenly, Hazel was dragged backwards into the bushes.

"Hazel!" Penelope shrieked, jumping to her feet and running over in the direction of where the girl was dragged back into. Shadow followed her.

Hazel was pinned down by Caleb. The teenage boy was holding her neck, and in his other hand, was a knife. He raised the weapon, about to strike.

Immediately Penelope and Shadow lunged at Caleb. The boy barely had time to turn around before Penelope started mashing her tekken into his back, and Shadow started stabbing him with her newly acquired dagger. Blood started spilling out of the teenage boy's back, and he fell to the ground, limp.

The blood pooled at the large wounds that covered his whole body. Some of it stained his clothing red.

Hazel scrambled away from the scene, horrified. Her pants were shaken by heavy breaths. Her striking green eyes were wide.

"T-that w-w-was...too c-close..." she stammered, stumbling on her words. The cannon boomed, announcing the redhead's death.


Kayla, the dragon mutant burst out if the bushes, staring at her ally's dead body.

"W-what did you--" she started, but was unable to speak anymore. Hazel burst into tears, her sobs wracking her body. Shadow moved to her side and rubbed circles on her back, trying to calm her down.

Penelope narrowed her eyes at Kayla. "If you want to live, run," she muttered. "Come on, guys. Let's get back." Kayla flew away from the group. Penelope turned the other way and walked with Hazel and Shadow back to their camp.

"What happened?" Alexis asked when the three returned.

"Hazel was about to be killed by Caleb. So we killed him," Penelope answered.

Alexis nodded. "I was beginning to worry that it was one of you."

That night, Shadow had hunted for the group, returning with a rabbit and two squirrels. It wasn't much, but it was an adequate amount for them. They settled down to sleep afterwards.

The Capitol anthem played, showing the faces of the fallen tributes for that day: Caleb Shelton from District 5 and Raphael Russet from District 12.


Sythia flew around the arena, scanning for vulnerable tributes. And there! She spotted the next one, or the next few, that would be her prey. A bunch of six Careers, sleeping around a giant tree. There was one who was on watch. The girl from District 1 with the glasses.

The vampire bat mutant swooped down, preparing her fangs for the tasty treat. At once, she sunk her fangs into the girl's throat, leaving her unable to speak and slowly drawing the blood out. She fell limp, and Sythia reached out to her next victim, which was the lizard girl, Penelope, who happened to be sleeping right beside Alexis. She pierced the girl's neck once again, finishing the job.

The winged mutant licked her lips at the filling feast as the cannon boomed twice. Of course, they were going to blame their only team member that had fangs: Shadow. Sythia flew away from the scene quickly.

The loud noise did not go unnoticed. Right away, the four remaining Careers sat straight up, looking at their two teammates. Their eyes widened when they realized that they were dead.

"Shadow!" Darkness shouted, "What is the meaning of this?!"

"Why are you blaming me? I was asleep!" she snapped.

"Look at the fang marks! Look at them? Do you think I'm stupid?" the heterochromic turtle roared.

"I told you, I didn't do it!" the snake mutant exclaimed.

"Huh, and we're supposed to believe that!"

"Darkness, you are wrong. Shadow did not kill Alexis and Penelope. Her fangs are completely clean. There is no evidence to prove your hypothesis."

"She is the only one here that has fangs! Maybe she cleaned them before the cannon sounded!" he argued.

"Shadow has a good heart," Hazel piped up. "She saved me, didn't she? If she was the one who killed them, why wouldn't she have killed me?"

The black mamba mutant stayed silent. She grabbed her survival kit, filling it with her belongings.

"And where do you think you're going?" Darkness demanded. "I'm team leader. I choose what this team does, and I choose who to kill. How do you think you'll win the Games, then?"

"Without you, that's how! I'm leaving this alliance." Came the reply.

"Where do you think you're going?" Darkness yelled at Colten and Hazel.

"I know this alliance won't last. So I'm out," Hazel declared.

"So am I," Colten added. And the two left, going their seperating ways.

Shadow stayed behind, leaving her alone with Darkness.

"I'm going to kill you now!" the turtle screamed, running at her.

"Good luck with that," she replied, striking a match against the grass. Flames emitted from the ground, catching fire on everything on its path.

"Goodbye, Darkness," Shadow said calmly, before slithering away.

A few moments later, a cannon boom could be heard.

Surviving The Beast (Featuring Your OCs) [TMNT Hunger Games AU]Where stories live. Discover now