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Everyone gathered together in the backstage. It was time for the interviews to start.


"Well, Darkness. It's lovely that you're the first to interview tonight. We don't usually have tributes without a last name. How do you feel about that?"

"I don't have parents," the heterochromic mutant replied. "I had no name. So I named myself Darkness."

"That's an interesting name! Darkness from District 1, everyone!"


"Tell me, Alexis, what do you think of the bunch of tributes this year?"

"Well, I think that they're all very nice, although some may be more hostile than others. But they don't deserve to be in the Games. In fact, no one does," she replied boldly.

"That's an interesting point of view. What do you think about the Games, then?" Caesar questioned.

"In my opinion, I think the Games are a horrible type of entertainment."

Gasps were heard from the audience.

"Lovely answer. Everyone, Alexis Queen from District 1!"


"How do you feel about your brother back at home? Are you disappointed that he didn't volunteer for you?"

"Well, I miss Shade. I want to be with him and my family back at home...but sadly, I can't."

The crowd made sad noises.

"As for the second question, no, I am not disappointed. I told him not to volunteer for me if I get picked. I don't want him to get hurt here in the Games," the snake mutant replied.

"What a great sister you are! Shadow Dusk from District 2, everyone!"

Shadow flashed a big smile, but inside, she knew that she wouldn't be truly happy. 


"What's your strategy, Penelope?" Caesar asked.

"You'll just have to wait and see, Caesar. This secret is for me to keep," the lizard mutant said, her eyes flashing slyly.

"Very mysterious, indeed, I like it! Penelope Sharma from District 2!"


"Donatello, if you win the Games, what are your future plans?" Caesar inquired.

"I would probably go back to inventing and experimenting," the turtle replied.

"No girlfriend?" the blue-haired man prompted.

Donatello shook his head. "I wasn't really planning for that."

"But when you come home, all the girls would love you!"

"I'm not sure about that yet."

"I'm sure you'll have a great future. Donatello Bolts from District 3, everyone!" he exclaimed.


"Lovely dress you have on tonight, Sarina. It really fits you," Caesar commented, studying her.

"Thank you, Caesar," the cyborg replied politely.

"Have you chosen any allies, yet?" the man asked.

"Well, yes. Yes, I have," she replied.

"And who may they be?" he wondered curiously.

"Destiny and Leonardo from District 7, and my district partner, Donatello."

Surviving The Beast (Featuring Your OCs) [TMNT Hunger Games AU]Where stories live. Discover now