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Previously on Scarlett {an arranged marriage}

"I'm sorry," I said to him. "What is it that you would like o wise oldest brother?" "We're having a family meeting. My room. 20 minutes. Be there," he said as he headed for the door. "Wait," I called to him. "Is the family meeting including mom, or not?" He turned around and looked at me with his gorgeous hazel eyes in amusement. "It's 3:40 in the morning, Red. What do you think?" Then, he turned and left the room. 

Sira's P.O.V.

Quickly, I set up my room to make it look like I'd been there all night. I locked the balcony doors, pulled back the blankets on my bed, bounced around on it a bit, got dressed in my pajamas, threw my clothes in the hamper, and turned on my radio. By the time I was done, 15 minutes had gone by. Owen is real strict about being on time, so I grabbed my bag of stuff, and headed out to his room.

Jesse's P.O.V.

"She's obviously not coming, " Jasper said, irritated. " I told her 20 minutes, it's only been 17. CHILL OUT." Owen said cooly from on top of his bed. Everyone else was on the floor. It was tradition for everyone to bring junk food to the family meetings, so everyone had a bag of some sort sitting beside them. Finally, Sira walked into the room. "How nice of you to finally grace us with your presence, Sira" Jasper called from his seat on the floor. "Enough, Jaz. Red, your gonna sit between Gavin and Jesse." The two of us moved over to give her a place to sit. Quietly, she sat in between us. No noise, no backtalk, she just sat. She must know that something's up, I thought to myself. Cause that is definately not like her. Sira ALWAYS has something to say. Now that we were all there, we started the passing of the junk food; Creme soda for Sira, Funyons for Gavin, Fruit Roll Up's for Emmett, Flamin' Hot's for Edward and Owen, and Fritos for Jasper. For myself, I had a Snickers. "So, your probably wondering why we called you here." Owen said. Sira nodded. "Use your words, Scar," I told her. "Yes,"she said. "I am a bit curious." "Every two years," Owen started, "this family meeting gets larger by one person, and every two years, that person learns of their destiny." Everyone stared at Owen. Most of us had heard this story many times before. Sira stopped sipping her creme soda to pay better attention. "This year, we decided that instead of having two separate meetings, one for you and one for Gavin, we would have them both together." "What does Gavin have to do with this?" Jasper asked. "He's not even a Sacrete." The boy's destiny is unknown to even him, Jasper." Owen said. "Father, Edward, and I are the only ones who know of his destiny. But first, we will start with Sira. Long ago, about 30 years in fact, our mother and father were exploring the Grand Canyon. They found an opening in one of the walls, and decided to follow it. What they found startled, not only them, but the creatures they found, also. They had walked in on the meeting of the immortals." But wait," Sira called. "There's no such thing as immortals. I mean, no one lives forever." "I'm sorry dear sister, but I'm afraid there is." Owen said. "At the meeting, they were discussing how the rest of the immortals were no longer unique and powerful. They were all alike. This worried them, for in times past, the immortals were all different. No one had the same power as anyone else. But as the milenia went on, the most powerful of the immortals grew careless, and were defeated, leaving only the weaker immortals to recycle their powers to future generations." "But wait," Sira started. "Sister," Owen said sternly. "If you interrupt me again, you will have to get someone else to tell you the rest. I understand that you have questions, but I will not lie to you. Everything I tell you now is the truth, ok?" "Fine," Sira replied. "I'll listen." "Thank you. Now, mother and father walked in on the part where the immortals were trying to decide how to correct the problem of lack of power. As they walked in, Father Time saw the future, a future in which humans helped save them. He told the other immortals of his vision, and there was a decision to be made. Either use these humans to help save the immortal race, risking having the secret told, or kill them, saving the secret, but killing the last chance they had to save their race. They decided to the demon's and vampires dismay, to keep the humans alive. The agreement was that they would not harm mother and father if they gave their children to the immortals. Because mother and father were young at the time, they agreed, although they didn't intend to uphold their end of the agreement. But one thing they didn't count on, was the fact that they were in immortal territory. They were not allowed to leave that cavern, until they proved that they would make good on their end of the agreement. It was there, that I was born," Owen said. Sira's mouth hung open. I could understand. It was a lot to take in all in one night. "Wow," Sira said. "So if mommy and daddy only had all of us to marry immortals, then why are you guys married to women you love? I mean, when do these immortals girls come to claim you, and how and how are they gonna feel about sharing, cause I can pretty much guarantee that none of your wives are gonna let you go willingly," Sira said. Owen chuckled. "Our wives don't have to let us go anywhere, Sira. You see, they are the immortals we're supposed to marry." "OMG! Are you kidding me? " Sira screamed, hopping up. "Sira," Edward called. "Sit down, we are not finished yet. There is something else we need to tell you."

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