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Sira’s P.O.V.

We made our way upstairs, and somehow, I kept from exploding. Drake knew that something was up, but my mental screaming was keeping him from coming anywhere near my thoughts.

Drake and Mickey shot each other a look, and as soon as the elevator doors opened, they disappeared to their room.

“What’s their problem?” Christian asked, smiling. I stepped out of the elevator and ignored him.

“Babe, what’s up?” he said, sounding worried.

“Why don’t you tell me,” I grumbled, locating our room.

‘3663,’ I kept thinking. ‘As soon as we get to room 3663, I can scream at him to my heart’s content.’

“What’s the matter now?” Christian asked, suddenly looking very tired and sounding agitated. ‘How dare he?’ I thought. ‘He cheats around with God only knows who, and he’s upset with ME?!’

I whipped around and practically breathed fire. He took a small step back.

‘Wise choice,’ I thought to myself.

“Guess who just called your phone?” I growled.

“Can we not play the guessing games, please?” he said sarcastically.

“Lemme give you a hint: ‘My powers aren’t working, Christian. Oh, please help me,’” I said in a whiney voice. His face fell.

“Lemme explain,” he said.

“Fine,” I said. Against my better judgment, I let him start talking.

“That day that Mikayla came over, and she wanted you guys to leave, she, um, wanted to talk to me because her powers weren’t working-”

“I know that part, I was there for it. I didn’t let you start running your mouth just to give me a recap of what happened while I was still in the room. Start telling me something I don’t know, or so help me God, I will drop you where you stand,” I threatened.

“I told her to touch me, so that we could test it, but I was expecting it to work, so, um…” he trailed off.

“You’ve got fifteen seconds to finish this story before I take the first plane back home to San Francisco,” I said quietly.

“We don’t live in San Francisco,” he responded.

“You’re such a smart boy. You’re right. We, don’t live in San Francisco. live in San Francisco. You live in Los Angeles, and we? There is no we. We doesn’t exist; not anymore. I just want the story so that I know exactly what to tell Owen and the others. And when they come to break your head open the overstuffed piñata it is, don’t be surprised,” I said, viciously.

“Well, if you’re gonna leave anyway, I don’t owe you anything! Not even an explanation,” he shouted. Next door, Drake and Mickey peeked out; across the hall, someone was looking out of their peephole.

“Of course you don’t. But I just figured that you’d man up and give me one anyway. I was wrong. Telling you to man up, would do just as much good as telling me to man up: Neither of us are men, so it’s virtually impossible, right?” I said, my mouth in a permanent frown.

I thought of the prayer I had said last night before falling asleep.


“Our Father which art in heaven, hollowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on Earth as it is in heaven. Give us now our daily bread and forgive us of our tresses as we forgive those who trespass upon us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory forever. In Christ Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen,” I prayed.

I climbed into the bed, and Christian looked at me.

“What did you say that for?” he asked.

“HE always takes care of me. I’m just giving HIM my thanks,” I whispered.

“God is all fine and well, but being a vampire gives you certain privileges that God just doesn’t take advantage of,” he said.

“Like?” I replied skeptically.

“Being on Earth and getting to be around his best creation yet.” He smiled at me.

I kissed him, and fell asleep in his arms.

End Flashback

Now I was plagued by the memory and its silent mockery. I can’t help but wonder if he was picturing Mikayla in his arms, and Mikayla kissing him. It stung me to the marrow of my bones.

“Just for being so nasty to me, I will tell you what happened,” Christian spat out. “The second you left the room, I jumped on her. She was all too happy to return my enthusiasm. We enjoyed it. You seriously thought that you were good enough for a guy like me? I’m friggin gorgeous! I can nail any chick I want! You’re the only one that thinks that you’re sexy and gorgeous, when the reality is, you’re not even cute enough to lick the gum off my shoes. You really thought I was taking you here so that I could ‘show you off to the world’? I just wanted a shot at nailing a real woman before I had to marry you. You’re worthless to me. Go back to San Fran, who cares? Not me,” he finished, with a nasty sneer.

“You will care,” I said, my eyes slowly filling with tears. “One of these days, you’re gonna realize that we really did have something special, but when you look back, all you’re gonna see is my middle finger, as a permanent reminder that you’re the one who ruined ‘us’ and for that, you can go screw yourself.”

Avoiding looking into his eyes, I snatched the room key from him, and almost had it open when he started to say something else. I immediately cut him off.

“No. You don’t get to talk. Not anymore. Jackasses that cheat on their fiancés and then publicly bash them in the hallway of a five star hotel don’t get to say anything,” I whispered, my mouth inches from the wood of the door. “I’m leaving here in ten minutes- five if that lazy bellhop ever gets off his ass and comes up here with my luggage- and then going home to San Fran. Don’t worry, you’ll never have to hear from me again. My brothers will come to visit you though. If I give a damn about you that day you’ll get a heads up, if I don’t, you won’t, simple as that. And for the record, you might have just stomped on my heart with a pair of football cleats and then ran it through the shredder, but for some odd reason, I still love you with all the pieces,” I said softly, still facing the wooden door in front of me. My eyes were almost full to the brim with tears, and I refused to let him see how much he hurt me.

Without a second thought, I reached over to my left hand and slid my engagement ring off. I dropped it, not really caring where it went. It rolled down the hallway.

“But all the love in the world can’t make me forget what you just said to me.”

With one easy flick of my wrist, I swiped the key card and the door opened. Without looking back, I slammed the door in his face and pressed my back against it.

‘Thank God above for delivering me from this evil,” I thought. And although what he said hurt, it showed me just who he really was: A monster.

‘Now if only my heart could believe what my brain is desperately trying to tell me,’ I thought, bitterly.

Then, I sank down, with my back facing the door, the love of my life on the outside, rather than the in. And then, and only then, did I finally lose it.

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