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“Land!” I screamed out loud as we touched down back in bright, sunny Los Angeles.

“Stop being so dramatic,” Drake said, packing up the remainder of his stuff.

I snatched up my bag and raced off the plane. I almost crashed into Linda, who had heard our landing and came to greet us.

“Hello to you too, Sira,” she laughed as she hugged me.

“I’m so glad to be home! We had a great time. Where’s Lily? I was gonna take her to the pool today…” I trailed off, looking around for her.

“She’s in the kitchen cooking,” Linda told me.

“Oh,” I said, and then went silent.

“Don’t be so glad to be home yet, gorgeous,” Christian called to me from inside the plane.

“I’ve got two more surprises for you.”

“Alright, let’s have them. It’s blazing hot out here and I need some pool time bad,” I called back. He stepped out of the plane.

“The first surprise is in the garage,” he told me.

“It got here alright?” he asked Linda.

“They just delivered it yesterday,” she replied.

“Great. Alright, this way,” he said, leading me to the garage.

“Can I trust you not to peek?” he asked. I thought about it and then truthfully shook my head and said ‘no.’

He laughed.

“Well, at least you’re honest,” he said, as he covered my eyes.

We stepped into the shade that the garage provided. Christian uncovered my eyes.

“I know how much you like my cars, so I thought I’d get you one of your own,” he said shyly.

In front of me was a shiny, mint condition, 1965 stick shift Camaro. The license plates read, “Queen09,” and on the hood, one of Christian’s newest drawings was airbrushed flawlessly.

It was a picture of me on a queen of hearts card. I was wearing a red and gold colored dress, and my hair was tied up with a crown on my head. On the bottom of the card, were the words, “The Queen of My Heart,” in a fancy script. I just about died.

“Oh, my, God, Christian I love it! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” I screamed. He laughed.

“I’m just glad you like it,” he said, hugging me.

“I love it, but if this next surprise involves you spending insane amounts of money on me, you better take it back,” I warned him.

“Trust me; it’s as simple as can be. There was hardly any money spent on this one,” he told me.

“Good,” I replied.

“Where’s Prince Michelangelo?” Linda asked, as she walked back to the house with us.

“He’s catching a later flight. He’s gonna spend some time with his new girlfriend and be back a little later,” I told her, as Christian wrapped his arm around me.

“Oh,” she said, and said no more.

Christian led me upstairs and towards my room.

“Ok, so this is the last surprise,” he said to me, as we stood in front of my closed bedroom door.

“What did you do to my room, baby?” I asked.

“Go see,” he said, gesturing towards the door.

I reached out and opened the door. My jaw dropped to the floor. There was nothing in there!

“Where’s my stuff, Christian!” I screamed, on the verge of a major panic attack.

“Follow me,” he said, smugly. Dumbly, I trailed behind him.

We walked around the corner to his room, and he opened the door wide. All of my things were moved in with his. His room had been maroon before, and mine was blue. To compromise, the room was now a pretty purple, a new color for us both to adjust to. The carpet was a pure white, like my old one, and the closet was separated into his and hers sides. The balcony had been refinished with a new primer, making it white again. My wall sized television set had been reinstalled onto Christian’s wall, across from the bed, our bed. I was in awe.

“I understand if you wanna move your stuff back. It’s only fair, because I did it without asking you. I just figured that we should be closer. I shouldn’t have to walk around the corner to visit my fiancée, I should be able to roll over in the morning and have you here. But if you don’t like it-” he started.

“Christian, I love it. Thank you, baby. You are so thoughtful,” I said, awarding him with a kiss.

Suddenly, the intercom crackled to life, and Linda called us down for lunch.

As I turned to leave, the smell of a sweet perfume caught my nose. I didn’t wear perfume like that. I stopped in my tracks and scanned the room.

‘She wouldn’t,’ I thought to myself, then, I noticed that the adjoining bathroom door was cracked slightly and the light was on.

“You coming?” Christian asked, peeking his head back in.

“In a minute, I gotta use the bathroom,” I said quietly, as I made my way over there.

“Alright. I’ll meet you down stairs,” he called and walked off.

As soon as he was gone, I locked the bedroom door after him, then stormed towards the bathroom. I wrenched the door open, and I heard Mikayla say, “I’ve been waiting for you.”

I stepped inside, and she looked shocked.

“I assume you don’t mean me,” I said to her coldly.

“I’m sorry,” she tried to cover, “I didn’t notice that this was your room.”

“Yeah, cause you thought it was just Christian’s right?” I asked, as I shut the door and locked it behind me.

“Oh, no! I just thought that this was an empty-” she started.

“Cut the bull, Mikayla,” I said, interrupting the lie she was creating.

“You know just as well as I do that you thought that this was just Christian’s room. You were planning on waiting here to ambush him when he came to use the bathroom, knowing that he’s my fiancé. That’s just disrespectful. I can’t stand being disrespected. I’m gonna tell you once, and once only: Stay away from Christian. We both know that your little excuse about your powers not being able to work is some crock. Pack your crap and leave. The next time I have to tell you this, it’ll be accompanied by an ass whooping. Free of charge,” I said, and turned to leave.

Apparently, those classes with Master Yung had paid off, because my senses were heightened. I heard her heavy breathing, sensed her anger, and anticipated her movements. So when she dived at me, at turned around and kicked her in her face. With one hand, I reached down and grabbed her, then slammed her into the wall.

“I’m not one to be reckoned with. Get lost,” I whispered to her quietly, then let her go and first exited the bathroom, then the room. Little did I know that her revenge was quickly coming.

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