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Christian’s P.O.V.

Drake and Mickey poured out of their room and swarmed me. I was pushed roughly against the wall opposite our rooms. My back hit the wall with a low thud.

“What the hell are you doing man? That’s not what you told us,” Drake yelled at me, getting in my face. Mickey pulled him back.

“Which story is real, X?” Mickey asked, sounding extraordinarily bored.

I looked away. Drake slammed my head into the wall. “Hey! We’re talking to you!”

“The one I told you guys,” I mumbled.

“Then go tell her that,” Mickey said, as if it were the most simple thing in the world.

“She doesn’t want to talk to me, and I really can’t blame her. I was just so angry with her. She had already decided to go home before I even told her the story! She automatically assumed that it was my fault and wouldn’t even listen to the truth,” I said.

“That’s a lie,” Mickey said.

“What? Why are you taking her side?” I said back, outraged.

“Here me out,” Mickey said. “You were taking forever with the story, and that made it seem as though you were making it up as you went along. She got upset with you because it looked like you were trying to get one over on her. When she got upset, so did you, and you refused to tell her the rest. She would’ve listened, except for you stopped talking, completing the illusion that made it seem like you were lying,” Mickey said.

I stared at him. “What?”

Drake sighed. “In other words, if you had kept talking, she would’ve believed you and you would be inside the room instead of out. Chances are, you two would’ve picked up where you left off earlier, and you’d be a very happy man. Wow, it sure sucks to be you.”

“Thank you for that reminder, Drake. That was just great,” I said sarcastically.

“Any time,” he replied. They released me and stepped back.

I sunk down to the floor, and they towered over me. “Now what do I do?”

“Go apologize. Take her the ring, and do something romantic like proposing again,” Drake said.

“Did you space out for the entire fight? She hates me. Right now, she’d just laugh in my face and tell me ‘no’. I don’t think so,” I said. I lowered my head into my hands. This was not the dream trip I planned.

“Well if you’re too afraid, I’ll go fix it,” Mickey said.

“Seriously?” I asked, looking up. With Mickey’s sarcastic nature, it’s hard to tell whether he’s being serious or not.

“Of course. I’m not just gonna sit out here and watch one of the strongest relationships I’ve ever seen go straight down the shitter,” he said.

“Besides, she still loves you. And where there’s love, there’s forgiveness.”

Without any further prodding from me, he turned around and knocked softly on the door.

“Unless it’s Arnold the lazy ass bellhop from hell, go away,” she said, her voice sounding watery.

“Trust me, you’re gonna wanna talk to me,” Mickey said.

After a slight scrambling sound, the door opened, and Mickey walked in, almost tripping over Sira herself. I stood and took a half step to the door, thinking that she’d hurt herself, but the look Drake shot me was crippling, and I stopped midstride. Drake was never angry with me.

Mickey bent down and slid her easily into his arms. She sobbed uncontrollably into his shoulder, garbling out words that I couldn’t understand. He said something that only she could hear, and she cried harder. He nudged the door closed with his foot, and I felt a surge of jealousy, followed immediately by a mix of regret and sadness. Again, I stepped towards the door.

Drake reached out and grabbed me, shaking his head. The message was clear, and even though I couldn’t read his mind right then, I’d known him long enough that I didn’t need to. It was written on his face: Take one step closer to that door, and I’ll kill you.

“I just need to touch her, to comfort her. I need to make sure she’s ok,” I said to him, too ashamed to look him in his eyes as I spoke.

“Why should I let you, when you’re the one that caused it in the first place?” Drake said to me, heartlessly.

“Because I love her,” I replied, looking down.

“You did a damn good job at proving that,” he grumbled, and let go. But I didn’t test it anymore.

I returned to my place on the floor. Drake paced the ground in front of me. Once, Mickey opened the door, glanced at me, and motioned for Drake to join him. I went and sat at the door, but all I heard was her tears hitting some sort of fabric. I counted them, until I realized that they fell in time with the beats of my heart. She and I were completely in tune with each other, made for each other.

Her tears stopped falling, until they gradually faded. Her breaths became even and regular. She tossed and turned a lot, but no other noise could be heard within that room.

That was almost nineteen hours ago.

Eighteen hours, forty-seven minutes, fifty-six seconds, and twelve nanoseconds ago to be precise. I counted each and every second that passed that I wasn’t with her. At around 7:00 the next morning, I was a mess.

I was tired from staying awake the whole night, I had to pee because I hadn’t moved from this spot once, and my butt was numb, so I couldn’t get up even if I wanted to. And there was still no word from inside.

I rested my head on the door, and closed my eyes for a moment. I was almost asleep when something registered with me, but I couldn’t figure out what it was; sleep deprivation was ruining my senses.

The groan of the springs on a bed, muffled chatter, soft footsteps. I almost didn’t realize that the footsteps were coming closer. As it was, I forgot one crucial aspect: They were walking towards the door to open it, and I’m sitting against it. If it opens, I fall.

Sure enough, the door opened, and within seconds, my head slammed against the ground. I opened my eyes to see dried tear tracks on the face of the most beautiful girl in the world. Who, at the moment, was also the angriest.

“Get up,” she said, coldly. I sprang to my feet.

“Sira, I’m really-” I started.

“Shut up. Just because I didn’t leave you here like I should have, doesn’t mean that you’re forgiven. You might wanna thank Mickey and Drake; otherwise, I’d be back in San Francisco shopping with my friends. If it had been anybody else besides them, I would’ve told them to go to hell. I heard the real story, and just to let you know, I wouldn’t have left if you had just told me that.

The real reason I’m pissed at you right now, is because of what you said to me last night. But whatever; the boys told me that you had planned for us to go to the mall to get stuff for the club later. I wanna get there before the place gets crowded. So I suggest that you move your ass, because we will leave without you,” she said, and with no warning, she slammed the door in my face again.

Drake and Mickey came out a few seconds later. Drake had calmed down, and was able to talk to me without making a cruel comment. He obviously thought that I had enough of an attitude from Sira and the he didn’t need to add his piece. I went to their room to get dressed and ready, making sure to stay close to them went we got in the cab; I didn’t want to give Sira an excuse to tell the driver to leave without me. I really hope the next surprise fixes things with us.

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