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Christian's P.O.V. 
"Nice to see you, sweetheart," she said to the girl. So they must be related. I was surprised at how much comfort this gave me. It would be well worth it to marry the hideous human girl they'd picked for me, just to have this gorgeous girl in my family. "Sweetheart," she said," this is Prince Christian." Her eyes widened, and then narrowed. I could feel those breathtaking, hazel eyes penitrating my soul and holding me to that moment, and the words that followed: "And Prince Christian, this is your fiance', Sira Scarlett Sacrete." NO. WAY. But this wonderful moment was ruined by the first words out of her full, gorgeous, blood red lips. "So,"she said, "I got stuck with you, huh?"

Sira's P.O.V.
O. EM. GEE. Did that SERIOUSLY just come out of my mouth? I hope I only thought of saying that. But by the look on his face, I can tell I definately said that out loud. Crap. "Quite the contrary," he said, once he recovered from shock. "I'm the one who got stuck with you." I had set myself up for this one, so I bit my tongue and let it go. "I hope you're packed." he said, his tone icy. "Why?" I asked. What was he up to? "Because," he said, and I could see that he absolutely LOVED knowing something I didn't. "After the party, we are going back to my- I mean, our house." As he said this, he shuddered, as if he didnt like the thought of ME in his home. Trust me, the idea wasn't all that appealing to me, either. "Oh," I said, and suddenly, I felt angry and stupid. I was going to live at HIS HOUSE?!! Why on earth didn't I know about this?!! But none of this was visible on my face. I kept my face calm and serene. First, I wouldn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me stressed out. Second, because I promised Owen that I would behave myself. Deep breaths, Sira, deep breaths, I thought to myself. "You're awfully quiet for once. Something wrong?" Christian asked. The thought that something was wrong with me put a smirk on his face. God, he was cute. NO!! I thought to myself. I can't like him. If I like him, that proves that arranged marriages can work, and it CAN NOT WORK! Still..... "No. I'll just have to check with my mother and see if she packed my stuff." I said, and with one last icy look, I turned around and walked away. 

Christian's P.O.V.

Oh, my goodness. I. Cannot. Believe. That. Just. Happened. She HATES me. How can someone I love more than live itself HATE me? Fate is incredibly sick and twisted. Who delivers the perfect girl, and forgets to include the fact that she has to love me back?! When I saw her, I realized that nobody else in existance could be luckier than me. But now, I see that this love is unrequited. Her eyes are sometimes distant, and far away when she looks at me, and other times, they look as if they're staring right into my soul. But no matter how deep she looks, the look of supreme dislike is always present. Great. The next 20-30 years of my life should be a picnic. Not only am I ruling the kingdom I never really wanted, but I get to do it with a beautiful, bitter harpy at my side. Thank you, Fate. The weight of all of this finally hit me, and suddenly, I needed to sit down. I plopped down on the couch. I never really could understand how I could be in a roomfull ofpeople, and be completely an utterly alone. Even now, beautiful teenage girls were crowded around me, touching me, asking me for my name, and all I could do was look at them. Do they not understand, that, compaired to my one true love, they are all hideous? A brave blonde stroked my lips with the tip of her finger. Apparently not. I fought the temptation to bite her whole finger clean off, not out of hunger, but out of annoyance. Though the music was blaring, it sounded muffled, as if there were cotton in my ears. The idea of a party was no longer appealing to me at all. Suddenly, I just felt like going home and hanging out withthe guys, the way it used to be before theseawful fiance's came into our lives. I called for my driver to pick me up. There was no way on Earth that I was gonna wait for little miss Sira. The very idea of a six hour ride home with those hazel eyes staring at me, made me sudder. Then, on a spur of the moment decision, I called my best friends, Michelangelo and Drake, and put them on three-way. "Dudes," I said. "I need you to go to my place and wait for me. We gotta go out or something tonight. I'm in a serious mood."

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