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Mikayla’s P.O.V.

As I walked away from their meeting hall, I thought about the news that I had just heard.

‘A baby,’ I thought with disgust. ‘That’s almost as bad as having to be a maid to them.’

As I walked into the kitchen, I looked longingly at the spot where, only a few short weeks ago, it was me kissing Christian. I knew that since he had already slept with her, the possibility of getting him under my spell again was completely gone. He loved her and had proven it to the maximum extent.

I wiped down the counters and made everything tidy. The only perk to working here as ‘Vanessa James,’ was that nobody would suspect a thing. I could stay for as long as I liked without arousing anyone’s suspicions. They would all be too excited over the baby.

I remembered not too long ago when I never thought I’d get this chance.


Kevi’s P.O.V.

As I stood, meditating in my sanctuary, a body was pushed unceremoniously down the sewer grate. I could tell immediately what the ancestors wanted me to do, and I gathered the body and brought it back to my chambers. After a series of complex spells, the body began breathing again, and within the hour, its eyelashes were fluttering.

“Where am I?” it croaked out, and after looking around, it screamed out, “I’m in purgatory?!” I laughed.

“Tell me, my dear, are you a dry land mermaid?” I asked. Slowly, she nodded. I breathed a sigh of relief.

“Good, because I am only supposed to bring back mermaids. They’re the only species that comes back with the same goals in death as they did in life. Other species are just so petty,” I rambled.

The girl flexed her hand.

“Life, you say?” she asked, intrigued.

“Why, yes. Haven’t you been studying?” I asked, slightly confused.

“No, I’ve been off tradition for a while, but I do remember some things. Like, I know that you’re not supposed to have any type of relationships before you’re branded an adult, but I think it’s aloud for me to kiss you in return for saving my life, right?” she asked, and suddenly her voice was seductive. I fought hard.

“No, I d-don’t think th-that i-i-is alright,” I stuttered, stepping back. She hopped off my desk and stepped closer, each step she took sexier than the last. I tried to clear my mind to no avail.

“You want me,” she said to me, soft and enticingly. I nodded.

“Say it,” she said, her full lips caressing each word.

“I want you,” the words fell out of my mouth before I had time to think.

“Then prove it,” she said, and she leaned in and kissed me oh so softly. I replied with enough enthusiasm to have picked her up and placed her back on my desk, her legs locked around my waist. I could move, and I didn’t want to.

Suddenly, she stopped, and in my ear she whispered, “Let your weakness be the death of you.”

At first, I didn’t understand it, but as she pulled away, I could feel my heart slowly shattering, ripping itself into a million pieces. She stood, righted her clothing, and before she left, she whispered in my ear a final time: “The name’s Mikayla by the way. Trust me, you won’t forget it.”

She stepped around me, and towards the exit. Just as she was about to leave, she snapped her fingers, and the rips in my heart expanded and became blazing hot. The rips manifested themselves into my skin and before I knew what hit me, I had exploded into a thousand fiery pieces.

End Flashback

Mikayla’s P.O.V.

Aw, yes, that poor sap. He was almost too easy. He gave me my life back, and still I took his. There’s a lesson he’ll remember in purgatory: Don’t trust anyone.

And yet my Christian problem was still staring me directly in the face.

As I sat there, angry, a plan hatched itself in my brain, and it was a good one. I stood and walked over to the elevator, pulling off my wig and taking out my contacts as I did so. No one was on my floor, so I wouldn’t have to worry about remaining hidden.

I pressed the button for the 7th floor and cackled loud and hardy.

‘Payback is a bitch, Sira,’ I thought, and slowly, the elevator doors closed behind me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2012 ⏰

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