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"When is this 'wedding' anyway?" she said it as if it were the dirtiest thing imaginable. "Two monthes after your 17th birthday," Owen replied, his eyes closed. "Are you kidding me? I'm only 17!!" Sira exclaimed. "It cannot be helped,Sira," Owen repeated. "Please do not be evil about it." "Whatever," Sira said. She got up and made her way towards the door. "And Sira," Owen started. "WHAT!!" she screamed. "Happy Birthday Sweetheart," he said sleepily.She turned and walked out of the door slamming it behind her.


Sira's P.O.V.

I stormed my way back to my room. Whereas before I'd found it hard to keep my eyes open, it was now hard to get them to close. I can't believe it. We were pretty much being traded. My whole life was nothing but a lie. I had never felt so betrayed. And Gavin. I can't imagine how he must feel. They expect him to marry an immortal, when an immortal is the one who tried and almost succeeded in killing him. And they expect us to just grin and bear it? Impossible. As i struggled with this concept, last night's partying and stressful information finally took its toll on me. At precisely 5:47, I fell asleep. And at precisely 6:00, my traitorous mother woke me up. "Rise and shine, sweetheart!!" she yelled. Do you know what day it is?" she asked me. "The day I get to disown my parents for waking me up early when I haven't got any sleep?" I asked as I pulled my pillow over my head. "No, silly. It's your birthday!" she screamed. Somebody had had WAY too much coffee this morning. "Mom, why are you more excited than I am?" I asked, my voice muffled by the pillow that I pressed even tighter to my ears. "Because I know what your party's going to be and you don't,"she said. "Now get up. The Escalade's downstairs and ready to take you to Olivia's and Emmett's, so that she, Jazmyn, and Isabella can get you ready. Let's go."She punctuated this last statement by snatchingmy blanket off, and opening the balcony doors, letting the cold, morning air in. "GoodGod, Ma!" I screeched. I immediately jumped out of the bed to close the doors. I hesitated for one second. Thiswas all the time that she needed. She usheredme out the door, down the steps, and out the front door within seconds. And before I could fully comprehendwhat was going on, I was in the back seat of the Escalade about a half a block away from where my mother was standing. I could only vaguely see her waving. "We're kidnapping you today," Olivia chirped fromthe driver's seat. "Don't forget to put your seat belt on." I could tell that I was in for a rough morning. 4 HOURS LATER: I vow revenge on my mother, Olivia, Jazmyn, and Isabella. I WILL get them back. First, they decided to wax and pluck my eyebrows. One word: OW!!!!! Then, they decided that a leg and bikini wax wouldn't hurt either. I swear Olivia ripped it off with just a tad bit more force than was necessary. I tell you, nothing was as bad as when all three decided to comb my hair, from the roots. "Tell us if it hurtss," Olivia had said. "We're not trying to hurt you." And for some reason, I believed her. That was, until she grabbed the comb and preceded to try to her hardest to rip my hair out from the follicle. I'm pretty sure Emmett told her about me calling them 'freaks' and she was getting back at me. I was almost certain their final act of revenge would be to make me look worse than the bride of Frankenstein. Which is whyI'm so surprised that I look, well, WOW. My hair is in a wonderfully intricate updo. My usually pale face had the look of porcelain with just a hint of color at my cheeks. My pink lips were blood red, as though the blood from my last victim had stained my lips. And then, it was time for more torturing. They grabbed me up out of my chair, and prepaired to shove me into the dress my mother had bought. It was a really good thing that her measurements were correct, I would not have been a very happy person. The dress itself was gorgeous. It was completely all scarlet and black, from the corset top to the flowing middle and silky cape. It was strapless, and had a corset top, with jet black silk ties. The middle sinched in to meet my waist, and then flowed into the loose bottom.

The top of the dress was embroidered in little onyx jewels. The cape attached to the front of the dress with two black clips. It draped over my shoulders, flowed behimd me, and looked like a train. My hair was decorated with black and scarlet fake pearls. At the top of my head, they added a brilliantly gorgeous crown with a veilike cloth attached to the back. It flowed perfectly down my back. The next time I looked in a mirror, I didn't recognize who stared back at me. There, on the right was pretty Jazmyn. On the left, was beautiful Olivia. And in the back, was the gorgeous Isabella. But there, dead center, was a girl that deserved much more than any of these words could offer. It took me a second to realize that the amazingly breathtaking girl was ME. "Wow," I said. "Thank you so much. I look wonderful." "You look better than wonderful," Isabella told me. "You look like the future Queen of Vampires," she told me. I thanked them again, and had them drive me home. Before I got out of the car, they gave me a scarlet mask with black feathers at the corners of the eyes. It was on a wand (not a Harry Potter type wand. I know it's confusing, but I thought it would be ignorant to call it a stick. See how low class that sounds?), and it completed my look to a T. Finally, it clicked. A masquerade ball. I had to hand it to my mother, she kept me completely in the dark this time around. I smiled as I climbed out of the car, careful not to drag my dress or cape on the dirty ground. I took a deep breath, and went inside the house to face my partygoers.

Christian's P.O.V.

As I waited to see my fiance', I found that I was agitated. I did not want, or need, a bride to become king, and I certainly did not want some hideous human girl. She was probably so willing to to be married to a prince that she didn't care whether I was human or not. Filthy gold-diggers. I bet- Wait, a car just pulled up outside. The door opened, but it was too dark to see who it was. Was it her, or just another partygoer? Soon, my question would be answered. Whoever it was was comming towards the house. As the door opened, it was a gorgeous girl in a red and black colored dress. As I saw her, I had a sense of longing. This was the type of girl I wanted for my bride. Even though she was human, she gave off an air of respect, and I found myself captivated by her beauty. Ugh, this has got to stop. What is wrong with me? She's HUMAN for crying out loud!! But nothing I thought could make her unappealing to me. As I watched her walk around the room and greet people, I felt a strange desire to break the neck of the ancestor that condemned me to marry that other girl. This girl smelled extremely sweet, and no perfume in the world could ever top her scent. As sweet as she smelled, the searing pain that followed make me step back a little. Her scent was strong. I felt a pair of eyes on me, and looked up to see the girl staring at me, with the strangest, most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. If my heart had still been alive, it's beats would have sped. She tilted her head to the side in curiosity. The look she gave me was guarded, blank, and devoid of any emotion. It intrigued me. I was usually successful in reading faces, but this girl, this human girl, eluded me. I needed to meet this girl, and find out more about her. I ignored the pain, and stepped closer. Against my will, my perfectly straight teeth grew into fangs, and venom surged through me. I would be really upset with myself if I killed this girl. I kept repeating that in my head, over and over. As I crept closer, the bride-to-be's mother stepped forward and gave me what I'd longed for for the past 10 minutes: an introduction. "Nice to see you, sweetheart," she said to the girl. So they must be related. I was surprised at how much comfort this gave me. It would be well worth it to marry the hideous human girl they'd picked for me, just to have this gorgeous girl in my family. "Sweetheart," she said," this is Prince Christian." Her eyes widened, and then narrowed. I could feel those breathtaking, hazel eyes penitrating my soul and holding me to that moment, and the words that followed: "And Prince Christian, this is your fiance', Sira Scarlett Sacrete." NO. WAY. But this wonderful moment was ruined by the first words out of her full, gorgeous, blood red lips. "So,"she said, "I got stuck with you, huh?" 


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