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Sira's P.O.V.

"Enough, councilmen!" Christian shouted."You're scaring my fiance." 

"I apologize, Prince Christian," the closet one said, his red eyes pinned to me. I quickly turned around and tried to open the door. 'Duh, dummy,' I thought to myself, 'If your super strong vampire fiance couldn't open the door, then I highly doubt that you can.' There had to be some reason the door wouldn't open. Maybe it was stuck, or we were turning the knob the wrong way, or ............ or maybe it was locked. I reached down and flicked the little lock on the inside of the door. Carefully,I turned the knob, and the door swung open easy as ABC. I felt SO dumb. I tapped Christian on his shoulder. When he turned around, he nodded at me, and said, "Have a nice meeting, councilmen, and send my greetings to your lovely wives." Then, slowly, he backed out of the room, all eyes still focused on me. The second the door was closed, we turned and sprinted down the hallway, down the stairs, and into the sitting room. 

I burst out laughing, and Christian looked at me as if I had grown a second head. "What on earth are you laughing at?!" he shouted, not even a little out of breath. "I'm.... laughing at ......... the fact that..... we didn't even check to see..... if the door was locked!" I said, betweenfits of laughter. He stared at me. "You surehave a weird sense of humor, seeing asyou could've been killed," he mumbled. "Come on," he said, on his way out the front door. "Where are we going?" I asked asI followed close on his heels. I may have a weird sense of humor, but I'm not stupid.That was a close call. "The garage," he said, hiding a smile, all traces of his temper tantrum gone. He opened the garage door, andwe stepped inside. There, in thecorner, was some kind of bike. That was the best observation I could make seeing as it was covered up. "What is it?" I asked. "Go see," he replied smugly. He leaned against one of the walls. As I walked over to it, I couldn't help but see the other cars here. A brand new, red Lamborghini; a silver Mercades;a pearlized-white Rolls Royce; and an orange Porsche 911 Turbo with red and yellow fires on the sides. I noticed that all the cars except the Rolls Royce were equippedwith about 6lbs of nitro and a killin' stereo system. The Rollshad a well-kept 8 track. "You like to go fast?" I asked. “You know it. You like what you see?” he replied. I turned around and walked backward, saying, “I’m more of a truck kinda chick, but the Rolls and the Lamborghini are hot.” I made my way over to the bike. “1….2….3….!” I said, and yanked off the cover. Underneath, was a brand new blood red and coal black Ducati motorcycle. It was gorgeous. “Happy Birthday,” he whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my back. “Thank you!!” I squealed, as I turned around. I wrapped my arms around his neck and squeezed. “It’s wonderful! I’ll need to learn how to ride it, though,” I said. “Of course. I wouldn’t want you to fall off and hurt your pretty face, now would I?” he teased. “Whatever. Tomorrow. After I come back from the gym,” I told him. I started to walk back towards the house. “Wait,” he said, placing a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to face him. “What?” I asked. “Do you mind if I go with you? I mean, you’re gonna need a ride there and back. Instead of calling Dominic all the time, we can take one of my cars,” he said. 

“Alright then, but I drive,” I said. “Ugh, fine! Let’s go back inside, it’s starting to get cold,” he said, pouting. His lip was poked out slightly and his eyes had a sad look in them. “What? Is the little vampire getting frost bitten?” I asked, playfully. “Whatever,” he mumbled under his breath, followed by something that sounded like, “Weird humans, always playing around, and laughing when they could have gotten killed….” We went back inside, and he walked me to my room. “Be ready by 5:00,” I told him. “In the MORNING??!!!” he asked, loudly. “Yup, bright and early, pretty boy. Unless you can’t handle it?” I asked, knowing that he wouldn’t back down. 

“No way! Of course I can handle it! I‘ll see you at 5:00,” he said. He started to walk away. “Hey, wait,” I said, remembering. “Can you do me a favor?” I asked him. “Sure. What is it?” he asked, a curious look on his face. “Can you take Lily back to her parents? I think she’s still asleep,” I said. “Alright.” So I went and got her and handed her over. He told me goodnight and left. I leaned against the door frame, and watched him walk away, and despite my better judgment, a part of me couldn’t wait until 5:00.


Christian’s P.O.V.

I carried the kid down to room 567 and gave her to her mama, and then I went to go and visit my father. My feet made no noise against the soft carpet as I walked down the hallway. When I got there, I paced in front of my parent’s door. Did I really want to know the answer to my question? Yes, the answer to that was definitely yes. I knocked quietly on their door. “Come in,” my mother said. 

She was brushing her silky, black hair in front of her vanity mirror. “Hey,” I said timidly. “I was wondering if I could talk to dad.” She gave me a strange look and I could tell she was trying to tell if I was lying. Habit I guess. 

Finally, she said, “Of course. Hold on one second. Thaddious!!!!” she called over her shoulder. He came out of the bathroom with a mouthful of toothpaste. “Wat?” he said, trying hard not to drip toothpaste spit on the carpet. “Your son wants to talk to you,” Alexzandria said, focusing her attention back on trying to get her hair perfectly straight. Even though she looked like she could care less what we were saying, I could tell that she was straining to hear everything she could. Her brush stroke were less vigorous and more carefree, as if she were doing this completely absentmindedly. 

“Wat?” my father repeated, his grey eyes on me. I lost my nerve. Quickly, I made something up. “I j-just wanted to kn-know what you thought of s-s-Sira,” I stuttered. “Your lying,” mom said, triumphantly. ‘Crap,’ I thought. I forgot about her just that quick. “You came to ask if Sira was in love with you like you are with her. After 17 years of living with me, I’d have thought you’d know better than to lie around me,” she said, chidingly. “Alright, fine. That is what I wanted to know. So….. is she?” I asked, hopefully. Dad closed his eyes, and I could tell he was thinking back to the meeting we’d had earlier. Suddenly, his eyes opened, and a sly smile appeared on his face. 

“Well?” I asked. My head felt like it would burst from anticipation. “I don’t think I’ll say anything,” he said with a smirk. “What!?” I cried. “That’ll teach you not to lie,” my mother said. “Not fair!” I said. “Life isn’t fair, suck it up and get over it,” my mother said. “Goodnight, dear.” On my way out, I. could’ve sworn I saw him give her a high five.

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