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Sira's P.O.V.

Something wasn't right. I could tell immediately that there was something he wasn't telling me. "Christian," I said calmly, although now, I was worried. What could be so important that he'd purposefully hid it from me? "What's wrong?" "Nothing," he answered automatically. I raised my left eyebrow and gave him a skeptical look. The expression on my face must have made him decide to amend that statement, because he said, "It's just that, you're supposed to meet my mom and dad after dinner. I didn't want to tell you, because I didn't want you to freak out." Although his motives were good, I couldn't help but be a little upset. If I had known earlier, I might have had time to prepare. Oh, well. "I'm fine," I told him, and truly, I was. I was a charming person when I wanted to be. This, should be a piece of cake.

Sira's P.O.V.

After dinner, we were off to the counsel room. The walk there was relatively long and silent. The thing about being born into a huge famil full of boys, is that it's never quiet. Whereas some people might see that as a bad thing, I see it as a good one; To me, the noise meant that someone lived there, not just that they occupied the place, that it was someone's home, not just their house. Here, the place was as silent as a crypt. Bad choice of words to use when your the only human in a house full of vampires that all want to drain you dry, but they were all I could think of to discribe the silence. Anyway, because I'd never been exposed to this amount of silence, it was deafening to me. In the short amount of time it took to reach the counsel room, I felt as if I was going insane. Never in my life could I have imagined that silence could be so LOUD. I thought about this as we knocked on the oak doors that led to the interior of the counsel room. "Enter," a male voice replied from inside. At dinner, Christian gave me all the background information on his parents: their likes, dislikes, pet peeves, and things I should never do in their presence. Out of all the stuff he told me, their powers were the most impressive and important. His mother, Queen Alexzandria, was practically a walking, talking lie detector. She could detect whether someone was telling a lie or not, by accessing their memories, thoughts, and emotions. According to Christian, she was pretty good at it, and had scared off many untruthful employees. His father, King Thaddious, was an empath. He could read a person's emotions, hopes, and fears as if they were written on their foreheads in felt tipped, permanant black Sharpie. They got along perfectly. Sure they had a fight here and there, but otherwise, they were halves of the same whole, and they flowed together smoothly. If they weren't a match made in vampire heaven, I didn't knowwho was. Although this was great for them, it didn't help make me any less nervous. To take my mind off of it, I asked Christian a question that I was slightly interested in the answer. 

"What's you're power?" I asked him. "I'm a healer. I can fix anything from broken bones to ruptured spleens. The only thing that I can't fix is a broken heart," he said, jokingly. There, sitting at the head of the table, was the king and queen of the entire vampire kingdom. I gulped, and thought, 'I really hope they like me.' Christian rubbed my shoulders encouragingly. We sat a ways down from them. I was expecting to at least be close enough to touch them, but we sat at the other end of the table, the farthest away from them we could get. It confused me, but the reassuring smiles on their faces calmed me. As soon as we settled into our seats, the grilling began. 'They sure don't like to waste any time,' I thought to myself. 

"So, Sira," Queen Alexzandria said. "What is your G.P.A. sweetheart?" "I have a solid 4.5, Your Highness. I'm taking all honors and A.P. courses, and I'm getting a 95% or better in all of them," I said, my voice soft, but unwavering. "Very impressive," King Thaddious said. Wow, what a couple they made. King Thaddious had sandy blond hair, in comparison to Queen Alexzandria's straight, black hair. 'So that's where Christian gets his hair from,' I thought. The queen's face was as pale as freshly laid snow, and her ocean blue eyes were intense and searching. Just by looking at her, I could tell that she was an intelligent,serious woman, and that she was very meticulous about things. The king was the exact opposite. He had soft, grey eyes, that blended perfectly with his almost translucent skin. He had many laugh lines,which were probably born from excessive laughter.They kept each other perfectly balanced, the queen kept the king on track with things that needed to get done, and the king made sure that the queen laughed at least 3 times a day. Yin and Yang. This thorough examination took all of about 15 seconds, and I could still feel Christian staring at me, surprised by my intelligence, whichis whyI usually don't say anthing about it."Do you do any extracurricular activities?" the king asked. "I was head cheerleader at Bellview Academy for freshman, sophmore, and junior years, and I played for their girls' soccer and baseball teams. Last year, I was the Californian Champion for the girls' featherweight division of boxing, and I received awards for 'Most Lethal Fighter of the Year' and 'Most K.O.'s in One Season,' " I said, trying to sound as nonchalant as I could so that I didn't sound like I was bragging. "What do you want to be when you older, Sira?" Queen Alexzandria asked me. I thought about it for a second. "I'm stuck between being a pediatrician, and a neonatoligist," I said truthfully. Christian's jaw dropped. I gentely reached over and closed it for him. The king and queen both wore looks that were similar to Christian's. King Thaddious cleared his throat and asked, "Neonatology is working with babies, isn't it?" "Yes," I replied. "I've always enjoyed taking care of small children, so I figured that would be a nice field to go into." "Indeed," the queen spoke quietly, her voice barely carrying over the distance between us. "We're about to have a counsel meeting, but we will definately continue this conversation at a later date," she finished. Slowly, I rose from the table. Christian followed behind me. Just before we left, King Thaddious said, "Don't forget to show her her birthday gift, son." "Yes, sir," Christian said, pushing me out of the door. He seemed to be rushing to get me out of the room. More people were slowly coming into the room through various entrances, popping up all over. Now, Christian seemed more anxious than ever to get me out of that room. I was confused again. It was as if everyone in the room had eyes only for me. What had I done? Did I look unpresentable? Christian gave up his feeble attempt to get the oak doors open, and pushed me behind his body, as if he were protecting me from something, but what? Then I noticed that the look in all of their eyes were the same: bloodthirsty. And then it hit me, they were vampires.

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