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Sira's P.O.V.
Last night was CRAZY. That was the best after party we'd EVER thrown. We didn't end up going to sleep until like 4:30 in the morning, and after only getting 20 minutes of sleep yesterday, I was dog tired. It was7:00 in the morning, and I had to get up, take my shower, and be ready to go by 9:00.I thought about the choice I was making as I laid there on the movie room floor ( I was too tired to go anywhere last night, and nobody had enough strength to carry me, so I went to sleep where I was). I could run, right now. I knew how to disarm the alarm. I could turn it off, take my bags, and run as far as my legs would carry me.I didn't have to marry this rude, self centered, pompous, incredibly gorgeous, muscled,intelligent guy. Well, that sentence pretty much decided for me. I am officially, irrecavocably, undeniably, in love with this guy, which doesn't say much about my standards, seeing as I've only met him once. With a huge sigh, I got up, yawned, andlooked around. For some reason, I was the only one here. "So much for, 'I don't have enough strength to take you upstairs.'" I said to myself, as I headed upstairs to my room. When I got there, I did my best to memorize it. This would be the last time I ever saw it again. "Stop being so dramatic," I said out loud. My voice resounded in the eerily quiet room. "They'll let you come back to visit. It's not like you're a prisoner there or something." Even as I said it, I wasn't fully convinced. I went into my bathroom, started the shower, and went into my closet to look for something to wear. 'Not that shirt, it looks like something my mother would wear,' I thought. 'Definately not that skirt, that is SO not something I want to wear to meet my fiance's parents. I don't want them to think they made the wrong choice for their son. Not that shirt either. I doubt it'sacceptable to wear an old boyfriend's shirt to my fiance's house.' Finally, I found the perfect outfit. Acute, red, pleatedskirt, a white beater t-shirt, red guitar earrings, my cross necklace, and my Chuck Taylor All Star high heeled boots.I laid all this out on my bed and got in the shower.The hot water ran over me, and I let my mind wonder as I washed my hair with my favorite pina colada shampoo. I needed all the pick me ups I could get today. I was getting married in two monthes. For some reason, this would not sink in. I climbed out and got dressed. I put on a little makeup: Some eyeliner, mascara, and a little eyeshadow. I made sure that they were all done flawlessly. I French braided my hair down my back, and decided to paint my nails to calm my nerves. At about 8:15, I got up to get me something to eat out of the refrigerator. As usual, my brothers practically fell all overthemselves trying to get down the stairs once they smelled the food I was cooking. Bacon, pancakes, waffles, sausage, grits, and biscuits. For Owen, I made some of the meat a little bloodier. I have no idea how they'll survive without me; none of them can cook, and mom doesn't get out of bed until at least noon on a good day. I could imagine the desprete calls I'd be getting soon. This made me smile a little. We all sat down to have our last breakfast together, and it was oddly quiet. The boys ate quickly, shoving food into faces as fast as they could manage. I sat in dad's usual seat at the head of the table, and watched my family. At any meal, they're extremely gross, but I love them, and it was gonna be hard to leave. Outside, a car horn sounded. Instantly, everyone froze. I found myself hoping that it was for a neighbor. When the doorbell rang, my hopes fell, hit the floor, and died. It was for me. One by one my brothers lined up to give me hugs and reassurances. Owen and the driver took my bags out to the car. I kept waiting on mommy to come downstairs and say goodbye to me. She never did. 'She had to be awake, the doorbell is extremely loud, and she's a light sleeper,' I thought to myself.I started to go up the stairs, but Edward walked over and put his hand on my shoulder to stop me. "It's time to go, Red." I peered up the stairs, but I didn't see her. Was she truly not coming to say goodbye? "She's not coming, Sira. This is hard for her, too." "Oh yeah," I snapped. I was beyond hurt. "She's not the one being shipped off like some kinda package, but I can see how this would be hard for HER!" "Don't be like that," Edward said to me. "Leave on a good note, please." I nodded, hugged everyone again, and went out to the car. As I climbed in, I saw my mother looking out her window. She smiled and gave me a small wave. I slammed the door behind me without returning it. I saw a small tear slide down my mother's face. The driver drove away. I kept replaying the scene in my mind thinking, 'That's not how this was supposed to end.' But that's how it did. The last thing I remember seeing before I went to sleep, was my mother's tear stricken face. But I was definately aware, that, as I slipped into unconciousness, I cried too.

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