Glass eyes

385 17 4

_Scott's POV_
I sat in the office, my hand resting against my forehead. I was seriously stressed and worried now. Vincent was supposed to work with me tonight, even though our week started over it still concerns me on why he didn't and isn't showing up. It's night one, so he'd be here early to try and fuck me when the animatronics weren't here. 'Well if you loved me so much, 'why don't you just go DIE?!' The words repeated in my head like a broken record. It always scratched and repeated the same phrase down to the bone. It started to bang inside my skull, my ears starting to even hurt. "He knows I didn't mean it, right..?" I asked aloud to no one in particular, my bottom lip quivering. I glanced at the tablet which laid on the dusty desk, static dancing in rhythmic motions on the screen. "They'll be fine tonight." I decided, getting up. I slugged my small work bag over my shoulder and headed out through Bonnie's hallway. Fastest way out. I don't know how to feel about Vincent at this point, I wanted to scream at him yet I enjoyed his company a lot, even why he's being obnoxious. I didn't even notice I was at my car until my side jammed into one of the headlights. I hissed in pain but swirled around it and grabbed my keys from my bag. Let me say this, it's not a purse. Once I got it out I clicked the button fast and jumped into my car, pushing one of the many keys I had into the slot and twisted it. My car came alive with an adrenaline pumping roar. That's what I like to hear. I pulled out of the driveway and headed to Vincent's. I remember going there at times when I was starting work. Vincent always reassured me that'd I'd be great for the job, helped me with starting paperwork, and was overall a nice guy. But it all went downhill when the animatronics started moving at night. I hummed one of my songs that I had on a disc playing. Me being a singer, I sang along. "Just kidding~! I never wore Gucci, I'm a bad-ass not a douchebag, so-rry~!" I smiled to myself, letting myself escape in the realm of music. Though when I pulled into Vincent's driveway I ejected the disc to let it cool. I grabbed my bad and headed to the front door. He had a nice house sense our boss, Mr. Tusic, payed him more for working longer and working double shifts. I took a deep breath in, my lungs strangely felt deprived of air now. I lifted my have to knock. 'Click, Click, Click.' I waited after my three knocks, blinking slowly. After a minute when I got no answer I tried to ring the doorbell. 'DING-DONG' I waited........ Nothing. I looked to the place where I parked. A purple car was next to it, Vincent had to be home. I tried the handle, and sure enough it was locked. "Vincent?!" I called out to the house, the eerie silence filling my ears.

_Vincent's POV_
His knocks. The door bell. His voice. It filled me with grief, I couldn't do anything right! When I try to get him he pushes me away, when I'm not there he wants me?! "GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!!" I screamed, slamming my hands against my coffee table. The items shook on it. A picture, and about three beer bottles. One had fallen and was spilling its intoxicated contents onto the floor. I don't care. No one cares about me. I started sobbing like I did five minutes ago, tears dripping out of my eyes as I got up. I stumbled to the bathroom, my vision blurry at the corners and I had gotten that dizzy feeling when you stand up too quick. I guess even that hates me. I open my mirror cabinet thing and take out a bottle of pills. I stare at it for two extra minutes, thinking about swallowing all of them. It'd be better than living like this... I open up the pill bottle, twisting it until it popped out. I poured two pills onto my hands, quickly stuffing them in my mouth. I turned on the sink and cupped my lavender colored hands, water catching in there. I slurped up that water while taking the pills. Sink water isn't the best but it's better than swallowing dry pills, in my opinion. I sighed and whipped my tears, looking outside to see if Scott was still there. He was on my front yard, laying down in the grass as if he were a kid, and I didn't notice the smile spreading to my cheeks. I slowly tore my gaze away from Scott and looked to my house, once full of life and happiness was now replaced with death and misery. Oh joy. I stumbled to my front door, almost tripping and falling on my own feet on the way. I finally got to it after the terrifying incident and opened it, seeing Scott still laying on the grass. I chuckled under my breath and went up to him. I laid next to him and he looked over to me. I didn't expect this, but he hugged me. Hugged me. My heart skipped a beat but I smiled and hugged back the best I could in that position.

-Scott's POV_
I felt like balling my eyes out, I held Vincent close in a warm embrace. He was dangerously cold, and as he breathed close to my face I smelt a strong lace of alcohol. I didn't care at the moment, I couldn't. I was just happy he was here. "Vincent... You scared me..." I muttered so he could hear. I looked up at the violet male, his large inhuman grin was replaced with a dull, small one. His skin even looked paler, as the hue compared to his hair was way noticeable. His eyes were hidden with his hair, most of it. I clutched onto Vincent's shirt, "Don't ever scare me again..." I sighed, and Vincent only chuckled. "Sorry, love. I just had a few issues." Even his voice was lifeless, not having the same rhythmic tune as his; 'Ello, Love~' I only nodded slowly, sitting up. He followed my actions, confused on why I was doing it. I could tell my his expression. "Vincent, what's wrong? What issues?" He took about two moments to reply with an answer. "Just personal biz, I'm fine, really." He shook his hand, wanting to change the subject. I lifted up his hair to reveal his eyes. His eyes were lifeless, glazed over like newly cut glass. The glass being broken by a simple tap, and what I didn't know is that tap could change everything.
"No, your not..."
AN: HHH oh my god I feel like this is turning out nicely. Even though I'm most likely gonna get 0 readers XD

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