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_Vincent's POV_
I stared at my clock, hoping it would go slower. I'm going to be working with Scott tonight at Freddy's and I absolutely did not feel up to it. My head hurt, I felt empty and angry, and just over all... Glum. I was already in my work shirt, and jacket. I was prepared but I just didn't want ago.
It's like the feeling of you panicking because you forgot your homework, remembering when you were right infront of the school with only about ten minutes left to put your stuff away- and you live somewhat out of town. More then ten minutes.
I know it's the same feeling because I've done it all the time.
But with me.. It's different right now.  In my terms I'd be infront of the pizzeria, Scott inside. And I'd left my heart and soul at home.
That didn't make sense but roll with it, okay?
My clock made an irritating ringing noise, signaling its time for me to leave. My heart rate picks up as I think of all the things that COULD happen.
I'd rather not explain them.
I got up from my warm cushion, most likely leaving a butt mark as I've been sitting there for wayyy to long. I went to my door and opened it, letting some cold air hit my face.
Well it's near summer, but our town is small and the wind goes pretty fast without houses to block it. And I hate the wind, it messes up my ponytail. I walked out to my car, slipping the keys out of my back pocket and clicked the button to unlock the car with two satisfying beeps. I opened the door and slid in, not hesitating to close it behind...
Beside me as I press the silver key into its proper slot. The car started up, I had to adjust the seat for some reason. Hm.
I put my hand on the stick shift and dialed it down, reversing out of my driveway. I was soon smoothly driving, sighing as all I could hear was the wind gently yet viciously hitting my car. The stress was getting to me each time I got closer to my destination, so I thought I'd be a good time to just.. Take a small puff.
I slipped out a packet of Short Reds and lighter. I slipped a cigarette out of its box and put it in my mouth. I tossed the package to the passenger seat and lit my cigarette with a lighter. I also tossed that to the passenger side- when the flame was gone. I put the cigarette in between my middle and pointer finger, sucking in the intoxicated air before pulling it away and breathing out smoke. I opened the window a smudge so I could tap the ashes out of there. I didn't have one of those portable ash trays. I looked at the time, I had enough time for a smoke break, sense I'm almost at the pizzeria. I smoked my worries away and soon parked at the dull and lifeless pizzeria. I got out and went to the doors, leaning on the checkered wall as I puffed out mist. It was relaxing to me, but I didn't do it much. I blinked as I saw a red.. Car- very bad with car brands bare in mind- pull up a parking space away from mine. It made me slightly narrow my eyes as I knew who the car belonged to. I tapped out my cigarette and rubbed the small flame down on one of those things they usually had outside of malls. Scott crawled out of his car and walked over to me, smirking. I raised an eyebrow slightly, "What's that smirk for?"
"So, id like to see that book."

Would You Believe? (Purple guy x Phone guy YOAI Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt