Drooling Monster

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(Tbh I don't actually think foxy caused it but whatever)

_Scott's POV_
"What? Guys I feel fin-" Vincent was cut off, slouching over in front of himself. "Vincent..? Vincent!" I panicked, looking at the doctor who was writing stuff quickly over his clipboard in a worried manner. I looked back at Vincent who was starting to cough and hack violently. I went to pat his back but stopped once I saw this.. Blank liquid starting to seep and get coughed out of his mouth. I felt like screaming, my head getting slightly light headed at the site. I looked back at the doctor who ran out to grab others and nurses.
I started breathing heavily, looking at Vincent who kept coughing and hacking. After around fifteen minutes of him hacking the fowl smelling, black liquid on the bed.. What did it smell like? Well, smelt like bile and.. Motor acid? He slowly looked up to me, his eyes being the same color as the odd bile. I backed up, wondering how damn long I'd be till the doctors get back.
Oh right
This is a Fanfiction.
No way in hell are they getting back in time.
Hello readers.
I eyed Vincent, him having a wickedly large grin on his face. It was larger than his normal grin somehow.. And way creepier too. "V..Vince-" After I tried muttering out his name he started laughing like a mad man, the black liquid getting spat out from his mouth. I started shaking, my mind racing on what was happening, what would happen, and how I can stop it or at least get out of here... But I really don't want to leave Vincent. I will if I have to. He lunged at me, pinning me to the wall. A few medical things got tipped over but that wasn't the main focus at the moment. I squeaked once his grip tightened and he looked at me with the crazed grin. "S-stop! This isn't you, Vinc-" I was cut off by his lips meeting mine.
If you know me
I don't wanna kiss someone who just threw up a monster that looked like it could come out of the silent hill games.
I tried my best kicking him off, and I managed to make him pull away. He laughed at me, eyeing me closely. "Scotty~ Hehe, your looking a bit Scared~" He giggled. I bit my lip, a bit of tears forming in my eyes.
This wasn't him..
What happened..?
Will he stay like this.. Forever..?
My head perked as I looked at him, grinning a bit. "Vincent! There's a needle!" He shot up, looking around frantically before he started running around the room in a panic.
It was funny but obviously it wasn't the time to laugh.
Once he passed me I wrapped my arms around him tightly in a squeeze- not a hug but more so a death grip so he'd stay still. I sat on the hospital bed, he purple colored male thrashing and growling in my grip. "Shh.. Vincent... It's okay... Shh.." I tried soothing him. He snapped and kept thrashing. I sighed, "Vincent, it's okay... Scott's here..." I noticed that he slightly stopped. He was probably just getting tired. I hugged him more gently, letting my cheek rest on his back. I hummed a small tune, waiting for Vincent to calm down completely.
Soon enough he did, leaning against me. I laid him back down on the hospital bed but decided to get the gooey-black liquid covered blanket off for the doctors.
FINALLY the doctor came back.
Told you guys.
"Where in the bloody hell were you?" I snapped, him biting his lip. "Did you go and rent a condo and eat a fancy cocktail with the Queen of England's wine as well? I swear, be faster."

(Sorry this is lazily writeennn pfftt)

Would You Believe? (Purple guy x Phone guy YOAI Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt