Lost Love

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_Scott's POV_
Me? Beautiful? He's lying..
I stared at him, my face growing red as I see him taking in every detail of my features.
Stupid hair.
Stupid eyes.
Stupid skin.
Stupid me.
I'm not good looking, Hell, the only show I'd get entered for to test beauty is on Toddlers and Tiaras and still loose.
"Your lying.." "Why would I on beauty?" Vincent answered quickly, making me look up at him. "...You pity me?" He seems taken aback by this completely, making me quickly look down again. 'Oh god I messed up..'

_Vincent's POV_
I placed a finger under his chin and gently nudged his head up so he'd look at me. "I don't pity you." I said sternly.
"I don't even like you..."
The words slipped out of my mouth so easily. I watched as his face turned into the most hurt expression if ever seen. His eyes held disgust, anger, depression, and confusion. "B-but.. I-I- you-.." He was at a lost for words, it was hilarious. I saw a tear or two come out of his eyes. He slapped my hand away, anger filling his eyes completely. He snarled at me. Before he was able to make a harsh comment or insult I smiled warmly.
"I love you.."
He calmed down a bit, though regret and depression filled his eyes, which made me confused. "V-Vincent... I..." Lost for words again, adorable. "I l-like you too but...
I have a girlfriend..."
Glass shattered in my ears as my eyes widened. A... Girlfriend?
"I'm s-so sorry, Vincent! I really am!" He apologized in a begging tone, only making my veins boil. "Your a great guy- but this isn't the right time... You understand, r-ri-" "Get off my property.. Go away from me... I NEVER want to see you again..." I hissed slowly and coldly, watching his hurt face return. He looked into my eyes, that was enough to make him shoot up and run to his car. He desperately tried to get his keys out, when he finally got them he shot into his car and drove off. I growled under my breath and stood up, turning to go back inside. I stopped in my tracks when I saw his phone head laying on the ground. I slowly picked it up. With each second of just looking at it made my chest hurt more and my veins burn more. I took it inside my house, setting it on my counter. I sat down on my couch, tears running down my cheeks. I looked at the phone head and I started to break down.
He got away

_Scott's POV_
My brain races with thoughts.
Why is he so upset?
Does he actually love me?
He's not toying with me?
Why did I overreact when he said he didn't even like me?
Good thing I froze after I parked at my house. Why did I get all mad and depressed..? Do I like Vincent?
Do I love Vincent?
That's silly, it's love that could NEVER happen. I slowly got out of my car, hearing it beep as I locked it. I opened my house door to see a black haired girl sitting on my couch and watching Code Black. I hug her from behind the couch, kissing her head. "Aye, Scott." She smiled up at me. "How's my-"
(AN: shit think of a name)
"-Toni doing?" "I'm bored as hell. I made some popcorn, though." She handed me a small fragment of popcorn. I rolled my eyes and took it. "I'll take what I can get."

_Vincent's POV_
One beer...
I feel tired
Two beers...
My visions blurring
Three beers...
I hear ringing
Four beers...
Black dots start dancing
Five beers...
I feel dizzy
Six beers...
I'm light headed
Seven beers..
AN: thank you guys for the reads! It ain't much but I appreciate it!
I think I'm only going to start making these chapters 600 words long, sorry! I can try to boost it up if I'm feeling like it, but for now it's 600 because of school and jazz as well.

Would You Believe? (Purple guy x Phone guy YOAI Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt