Closing Capsules

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(Maybe preferable chapter please read till the end, thanks~)
_Vincent's POV_
"The pizzeria's closing.."
The words slipped easily out of my mouth, I don't even know why or how but they just did.
Scott looked- or stared at me with a shocked gaze planted on his features. "What..? How do you.." I sighed, looking away, "They're's been an.. Incident. If you've heard.. It's called the 'Bite of 87'' now, but I guess they didn't want you to know.. I was there, but you were at home. The only reason why we have been working here is to get the taxes and bills up a bit before switching over. The bosses orders, and you know money is everything to him." "How have the kids still been coming here then-?!" Scott seemed to be getting angry, yet more so confused than anything. "Well.. 'Out of Order'." I pointed out, making Scott fall silent. "What will we do when it closes for good..?" He spoke up quietly after a few minutes of sitting in dead silence. "Boss will relocate soon.. I dunno what he'll do about the main animatronics here.. I think it's gonna be named; 'Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria' unlike 'Freddy Fazbears Pizza'. Slight change, I think Ima be helping to make the animatronics." I explained, making him trail off, lost in thought. I sighed and looked down, time seeming to stop. Mainly sense the doctor hasn't fetched the pill yet.
Why did I even need it again..?
"Hey, Scott.. Why do I need the pill again-?" "Because the injuries could affect your disorders and also you have internal injuries that you can't feel." The doctor replied as he stepped in, holding a small water bottle and capsule. I looked at him, Scott joining in on the process. "Oh.." Scott started while I nodded. Scott gave an uneasy glance to me, biting his lip. "Now, Vincent.." The doctor paused, taking a small breath as if someone he loved just died.
Probably my fault sorry guys.
"Be very careful while taking this.. Stay in a calm state of mind and NEVER- did you hear me? NEVER take this when made or depressed." "Then I'm never taking it." I joked, making the doctor and Scott give me harsh glares.
The air was thick enough to cut, that's how much awkwardness I caused. "Vincent that wasn't funny." "Shut up, I'm trying here okay?" I muttered to Scott who only rolled his eyes and looked back to the Doc. The Doc cleared his throat and gave me the pill and the water bottle. I blinked slowly and looked at the pill. It was obviously in a plastic pill, one of the dissolvable ones with the yucky powder in it. It was a peachy-tan color that I didn't know the name of, and it also has a few numbers and letters on the prescription on the capsule. Scott hugged me a bit and patted my back. It's like they were wishing me luck to go fly in a space ship or something. I popped the pill into my mouth, unscrewing the capped water bottle before taking a gulp of that before swallowing.
I looked at them, blinking slowly as I noticed their features were frightened and on the edge.  "What? Guys I feel fin-"
That's when everything's turned to black

(End of chapter A/N:
Okay, I want to clarify something.
MY OPINION. Foxy is the bite of 87 causer while Fredbear was the bIte of 83. Scott doesn't know about 83, he didn't work in that station. He was just the person to clean and manufacture the suits.
Thank you)

Would You Believe? (Purple guy x Phone guy YOAI Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt