The Pill

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_Vincent's POV(Finally)_
So it's been a bit, Scott and I joking and laughing as I soon forgot about the nurse..
Until the Doctor walked in.
His name was Dr. Erley or Christopher Erley. He was pretty nice. I remember the last time I was here he was just a 'visitor', sense he lived somewhere else in Utah. Ah yes, our location that I've finally revealed. We live in Hurricane, Utah. It's a pretty decent, small town. Anyways.
Dr.Erley came in with a clipboard, pushing his black rimmed glasses up his small-ridged nose. He looked up at us, smiling, soon looking around the blue room. He froze when his eyes landed on the nurse, and he ran over to her. I blinked slowly, not seeing the big deal about it. Sure, sense he was a doctor they had to take care of people but..
"W-what happened-??!" He stuttered, looking up to us. He was actually pretty pale. I opened my mouth to say something but Scott soon cut me off. "Vincent has- apparently- a huge phobia of needles. He knocked her out sense she was going to inject him and.. I didn't get you sense I had to comfort him."
"..Yeah, what he said." I commented afterwards, having to muffle a small chuckle. The doctor rang the nurses bell and muttered some gibberish into it, making me bite my lip. "...Vincent." He suddenly spoke, making my head perk. "You need that shot one way or another.." "Can't I just take a pill-" "the pills are very dangerous and the results have varied patient to patient." He said sternly, narrowing his brown eyes. I shifted a bit, Scott's silence making me a bit anxious. "Well.. Maybe it'll work on me..?" "The chances are too high, Vincent." "What will it do?" I asked, now more so curious than anything.
What could this 'pill' do..?
"..." He took a long moment to answer, sighing a bit. "Well.. One patient's heart exploded, one is now complaining of the walls moving, and one keeps complaining on headaches." Huh, the last one didn't seem to bad- "We later soon found out that the patient 's brain was slowly detaching itself, causing internal bleeding which resulted in death, Vincent.."
I gulped and sighed, "Im not taking that shot, I don't care what you say." I muttered, making him turn around with a frustrated grunt. "Okay, what even made you so afraid of them?"
I froze, blinking.
I soon let my mind wander, thinking of all the things that could have made me afraid.
"...I was strapped to a table.."
"..They were coming towards me.."
I kept muttering, even making Scott look a bit scared. I slowly extended my arm, showing a scar. It cut right from my upper arm down near the center of my lower arm.
They examined it closely, biting their lips. "This is why.. Not only did I have to get many other shots after this incident, but a shot could have killed me, Doc." I slowly retracted my arm and put it near my side again.
"...That.. That is why I'm afraid of doctors.. Do you understand..?" Only Scott nodded to this.
The doctor wrote something on his clipboard with a small mutter.
I nodded.
"I think I'm ready to take the pill."

Would You Believe? (Purple guy x Phone guy YOAI Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt