Choking on Memory

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_Vincent's POV_
I hissed a bit, going to hold my head but my arms wouldn't move. They felt heavy and they even hurt..
What had happened?
I decided to try and open my eyes. They slowly blinked opened, my vision very.. Blurry.. Everything was black at the edges and far away. The sounds around me were very 'wavey' and I could hear a distinct ringing that basically almost blocked every other noise out. "W-where-" I started coughing, my throat now revealing its pain. It felt burnt with very hot liquid, and the same liquid coming up didn't help the pain. I tried crying out but to no avail. The liquid started to basically overflow out through my nose and mouth, making it impossible to breath. I felt like I was drowning in whatever liquid this was. It obviously wasn't bile, it was a smooth substance unlike bile. I tried coughing and hacking out all of the liquid, but there was too much. I started thrashing, wanting help. Needing help. One thing is this wasn't how I wanted to go out. I felt tears fill my eyes and I slowly shut them, starting to accept my fate.
This is when I heard faint yelling between the ringing noises in my head, feeling something start to push on my stomach. That only resulted in me coughing and hacking more. I managed to whimper and the people started hooking me up to stuff. I was barley conscious at this point. My memory started to get blurry as I just forgot what happened like two seconds ago..
After a bit I gasped, the liquid finally finishing it's run down my throat. I coughed the last piece of it up, my throat burning more than you could imagine. I whimpered, my senses coming back. Someone was whipping my nose and mouth with a wet rag, muttering and cursing. I managed to open my eyes, my head dizzy from holding my breath so long. My vision was still wonky but I could make out the familiar brown, chestnut hair and the sideburns. I whimpered and looked at him, his brown eyes looking over me as he whipped my face. The doctor- I recognized- came over to him and started to say something that I couldn't make out. I kept looking at them, managing to open my eyes wider to have them notice I was awake. Scott put the rag down and looked at me in silence, making the air thick.
He soon started sniffling, the tears in his brown eyes now apparent. He started to softly cry, whimpering here and there. "I'm s-sorry.. I'm so s-so sorry.." He muttered and sniffled. I frowned a bit, trying my best to ignore all the pain in my arms, throat, and basically the rest of my body. I managed to slowly and shakily lift my arm, putting it on the side of Scott's face. He froze for a second before looking at me, as if a he had just witness a miracle going on- which obviously left me confused but I just decided to brush it off. "I.. You shouldn't do that.. Aren't you hurt..?" He asked, looking back down at his lap. With a small wince of pain I managed to smile and chuckle. "Scotty.. I am but, not hurt enough to not want to comfort my love when he's crying.." I muttered to him. He looked up at me, his face now red. I love it that he blushes easily.
The same 'miracle' look appeared in his eyes, I wanted to ask him about it but he cut me off before I could.

"You remember me..?"

Would You Believe? (Purple guy x Phone guy YOAI Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt