Invading Space

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Small warning: More.. 'Inappropriate' words in this chapter.
I thought maybe I should say this.

_Scott's POV_
Oh god what do I do?!
He's gonna kiss me...

I watched Vincent lean in, time slowing down. My mind raced as I knew he was gonna kiss me, did I want that? Well.. No.. I have a girlfriend! But Vincent's...
Vincent's something else..
I can't brush him off, yet I can't have him do this!
As if a silent prayer was answered he stopped when our lips were centimeters apart. I gulped a bit, sweating nervously. His look turned into a harsh glare which made me feel uncomfortable, and scared. I tried getting out of his grip but he held me completely still, planting me firm on his lap. He raised a hand up in the air, making me confused.
His purple hand slammed across my cheek, making my head jerk to the side. I let out a gasp as my eyes widened, he retracted his hand and growled. My cheek stung, I slowly brought a hand to touch it but the contact made my cheek hurt more. I whimpered and looked to Vincent, "W-what the fuck is wrong with y-you?!" I stuttered out. A bunch of emotions squirmed in my chest.
And more I couldn't pinpoint. I was more so depressed then anything. He glared down at me, "Go back to your fucking.. Girlfriend.." He hiccuped a bit as his eye lids dropped. The alcohol was wearing off...
He leaned back in his chair and let out a sleepy grunt. His hands slid off my sides and to his legs, making me able to get up- which I did. I stared at the male who was slowly falling asleep, the man that slapped me. I glared at him, about ready to slap him back but I couldn't. I know he didn't mean it, he's just drunk, angry, and confused. I sighed, turning to leave. I glance at him but soon left his room and went to the exit a bit quickly. Tears started running down my face, I have never been actually hurt by Vincent, now I know I don't want to. I scurried out of the house to my car. Though I didn't get in it, I sorta just leaned against my vehicle. I though what happened over, looking up at Vincent's place. I shivered and slowly got into my car, shutting the door before sticking my keys in. I whip some tears away, sitting back in my car. I flip down the mirror so I can see how bad the slap was. A red hand mark was on my cheek. I hissed at the sight of the swollen skin, flipping the mirror back up and sighing. I go to press on the gas petal but I stop once I felt my leg go limp and numb. I've never felt this war before in my life, and i never planned on it.
My chest was pounding, not my heartbeat. Just as if something was hitting on my rib cage to hit some bad nerves. I couldn't keep a straight posture, my hands were shaking, and I realized my expression was very glum. A lonely looking.
I grab out my phone, flipping through my text message contacts. I come across Vincent's, who I named 'Slut' on there. A wave of a bad feeling spreads to my chest and I go to text him. I blinked slowly, looking at text messages. I scroll up on them.
Most of the messages are just him spamming me with 'Kiss me' stuff.
I flash I small smile when I come up on a conversation we did a bit ago.
                                  'What do you want?'
'Come to my place~~'
                                          'No, why would I do something like that?'
He never responded to that one.
It made the air go thick once I looked at the lack of response. Though I scrolled back down and find spams.
'Hey Scott.'
'What about that lady ga-ga'
'I'll slit her throat
If she
Near you
And that's a promise.'
'Stop ignoring me'
'I'll suck your banana phone~'
'I'm going to crawl viciously through your window and lick your eyeball if you don't respond.'
'I broke your lamp'
'I'll get you a dildo light instead'
'Paint it purple~'
'Red robins'
'You were supposed to say yum.'
'Vincent's dick.'
'You were supposed to say yum'
'Sorry I found your dildos'
'Your not at home I see I'll come back..'
'In like five minutes.'
Let's say my throat burned and I was making pig noises everywhere. I was continuously laughing like a maniac, snorting all around and tearing up. J didn't realize how funny Vincent could be, I never took the time to listen to him. And that when he talked to me we were in a pizzeria full of screaming children. I didn't realize I was ignoring the fact that one; he came into my house and broke my lamp, or two; he found my- NO WAIT I DONT-
I whip my tears away and smiled, looking at the text messages again. It starts to get hot so I crack open the windows and let cool air come into the car, finally realizing I haven't moved from Vincent's driveway. I pull the mirror down to check my slap mark. It was gone for the most part.
But I did notice my cheeks were red.

Would You Believe? (Purple guy x Phone guy YOAI Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt