Tis' but a scratch

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_Vincent's POV_
I rubbed the males back who seemed to be crying into my chest. Though it made me happy.. He was truly sorry for what he did. But I hated to hear him so sad. This was my love after all.. And we just got together.
I nudged his head up and locked him into a kiss. It took him a moment from the tears to figure out what was happening before he kissed back slowly. His arms hung loosely around my neck as mine where at his waist.
It was as if time had stopped right then and there. Nothing mattered except us.
We were the now.
I slowly had to pull away, because of oxygen reasons. Scott and I softly panted,  my eyes focused on his. They were dry for the most part now, but very red and puffy. "Sorry.." He muttered, seemingly noticing my staring. "I'm a mess.." He softly chuckled, whipping his eyes. "A cute mess~" I cooed, kissing his nose. "Stttaaaahhhppp-!" He whined, crossing his arms stubbornly. "You can't make me~" I sang, making him look away in though. He decided to turn so his back faced me. "Hey-!" I hugged, wrapping my arm around him and pulling him close to my chest. "Mine." I kissed his cheek. He rolled his eyes and hung his head in defeat, with a small smile of course.
Nice, Vincent.
We stayed like that for what seemed like hours on end, me even getting a bit sleepy from the feeling of his heartbeat from his back on my chest and the sound of his slow, steady breaths. "V...Vinecent..?" Scott muttered to me, rolling on his other side to face me. "Yes~?" I raised a brow.
He thought his words over carefully, as if he said something wrong itd be a crime. "Do you really love me..?"

_Scott's POV_
I still can't decide.
I'm stills debating if he does or not... Well it's time to find out.
Vincent tilted his head to the side, a confusion look soon lingering on his features. "Of course I do, Scott." The purple male smiled at me, which was contagious. So I of course had to smile back.
(A/N: the snack that smiles back)
"Well.. I just.. I'm just thinking, y'know? Like if we are really meant to be.. If we will stay together.." I muttered and glanced at him. He softly kissed my forehead, chuckling. "Of course we were meant to be. And it will always stay like that." "...Promise?" I smiled like a little kid. He huffed and nodded, "Promise."
"Hey, out of nowhere question, where's my phone head?" I decided to bring up. Interesting conversation, no?
"At my house from that time I basically threw it off you. Why?" "Thinking again." I shrugged a bit. He flicked my forehead, "That mind of yours needs to stop. Doing all of that thinking would give ME a headache." He pinched the bridge of his nose. "Pa-lease! With your thoughts there's stripper poles and dildos everywhere-!" Vincent blinked down at me, smirking. "And I've got the first row seat to your strip show~" he purred, kissing my jawline. I slowly pushed him off. This wasn't where I wanted my phone head conversation to go to at all. "Ehhh we are in a hospital, this is our first day dating, and your hurt."
"Tis' but a scratch." "Tis' but a scratch my ass, Vincent."

Would You Believe? (Purple guy x Phone guy YOAI Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt