Texts and Confessions

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_Vincent's POV_
I groaned, my eyes trying to slowly peak open but they hurt too much. I close my eyes again, trying to think of what I did drunk last night.
I drew a blank. I didn't remember.
Maybe that's a good thing, I thought to myself.
Maybe I successfully shoved my dick up my ass, who knows?
I get up, opening my eyes, dealing with the pain as I slide into my bathroom. I fiddle with the cabinets before pulling out some eye drops. I open my eyelid then let two drops leak into my pearl white eyes. After in done I whipped the extra juices away and decide to go into the living room. I sat down onto the couch, shrinking into the cushions. I let out a small grunt and look around, nothing is misplaced.. Not that I can figure out. Even if something is i probably walked around naked while singing; 'Baby' by Justin Beiber.
Yeah my drunk episodes get out of hand sometimes. Well, no one tells me my drunk episodes after I'm depressed.. Only when I was out partying. I can only guess.
I whipped out my phone that was located in my pocket, scanning over my contacts.
I cringed and narrowed my eyes. Why was there trash in my phone?
I blinked slowly, looking over the name. Something as simple as 'Scott' and nothing more. I let out a shaky breath, but decided to call him.
"We are sorry, but we can't answer your call right n-" I hung up and laid my head back on my couch, huffing. First he breaks me, second he tells me he has a girlfriend- and lucky strike three is he's not answering me anymore!
I whipped my sore eyes and decided to try and text him, maybe he doesn't want to hear my disgusting voice.
'Hey Scott.. I know this may mean nothing to you, but please take the time to read this.
I know that.. You hate me.
But I just want to say this once and for all.
I love you.
I love you even though you've pushed me away. I love you after everything you've done, and it's only made you look hotter. I could write an entire book on what I love about you but I don't think you'd ever read it.. Your probably don't care about this, but it's true. I know I've tried to force things on you... But.. I've just never met someone like you before. I hope you can forgive me.'

I read it over around fifteen times before I had the courage to send it and quickly shut my phone off. I placed it next to me and sighed.
He's not gonna read it.

_Scott's POV_
It's been about.. What?
Three hours sense I got home?
Nah, not that cliche story. She just broke up with me, having to also move away because of work issues and family problems. I'm not that sad, though. I just dated her because I was desperate for love. No big deal, right?
I laid on the couch, and even though I wasn't sad I felt an.. Emptiness inside me. An odd loneliness.
And it was starting to get so quiet my ears started ringing. I shivered and grabbed my phone out and looked over it. I got a text from.. Vincent?
I think it's best to ignore that for now until I've regained my sanity
And courage to talk to him again after the slap.
I blinked, having a small flashback.
Red cheeks.
Smiling faces.

Especially his eyes I see.. And that god awful smile.
Oh god.

I'm In love.

Would You Believe? (Purple guy x Phone guy YOAI Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt