Just For You

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_Scott's POV_
So how's life?
Stressful. My girlfriend has been ignoring me today besides the popcorn incident. She's too engulfed with her phone and show. I've tried calling Vincent at least five times now and I haven't gotten an answer. I'm about to run over there and ask why.
Why does he want me.
Why he's not answering me.
Why does he love me,
I can only guess of what he's doing...
Sitting on his bed, blinds shut, every light off, pills near his bed along with a razor and a knife. A noose and chair set up. A gun in his grip, one bullet in the last game of Russian roulette.
My heart drops at the thought, realizing he could kill himself right now If he really wanted to. Which he probably does..
I run out of my house, quickly putting on my boots and grabbing my keys on the way, my girlfriend not looking up from her phone. I quickly rush into my car and drive off to Vincent's house. I turn on the radio to help try and calm my racing heartbeat. 'PokerFace by Lady GaGa' comes up and a large grin spreads to my face. I softly mutter the songs aloud, almost forgetting to make a right at a stop sign.
I soon get to his house, parking and running out of my car. I knew it wouldn't be best to knock so I tried the door handle. It was open. Clumsy Vincent. I smile to myself and silently- by silently I mean the loudest creaking of footsteps when trying to tiptoe- around the house to find Vincent. I soon find him in what I expect his room.
He was sitting at a table, hunched over, his face covered by his hair. He wasn't saying anything, he even looked asleep. Well, there were at least seven beer bottles all around him.
Oh shit
I ran to his side, eyes wide. My heart was racing. "Vincent-? Vincent!?!?" I shook my co-worker, he grumbling but didnt get up. Good sign, at least. But what do you do? I've never had anyone drink themselves to death before, so I didn't know a good option. I ran to his bathroom and opened up the mirror-cabinet things. I grab one of the many pill bottles and read it. I do this for what seems like an hour before I grab an actual good one. Maybe he would need this? I also grab some Tylenol for the hangover. I ran and grabbed a cup, filling it with water before rushing back upstairs. I shake Vincent as I put the stuff down on the desk. I tried shaking the male again, but didn't get a response.
I couldn't help but think, this was my fault.
I know he loves me.. But does he really? Would he really go all out just for me no matter what..? Would he be loyal to my side even in my most 'annoying' times..?
A tear or two fell down my cheeks, I felt very guilty now. He did this all for me, he tried to get my attention but I just pushed him away like he could've done better...
He was doing his best. That's why each day he tried so hard, trying to pin me or kiss me. He wanted to test me, have me. I was sobbing by now, grabbing onto the chest of the male and crying into his purple shirt. I didn't know why, I expected it because I felt terrible because he did this all because of me. And I knew he was a loyal friend, I didn't want to loose him.
That's went I felt something warm glide down my back.

Would You Believe? (Purple guy x Phone guy YOAI Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt