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Kaydans pov

"I hate to say it but I told her." I told Michael. This Abbey and Clayton situation was really ticking me off.

"You dont hate saying it. If you did you wouldnt say it every two minutes." Michael hugged me from behind , kissing my cheek.
I giggled and turned around to face him.

I was glad that Michael and the guys were back from tour. That meant that I could spend more time with Michael without my brother in the other room.

If a year ago , you would have told me that I would be dating my best friend , I would have laughed in your face. Now I can't imagine being without him.

"Ugh. Seriously you guys?" Calum asked walking in with Ashton. Like this right here , always barging in.

"Well this is my room. You could have at least knocked." Calum just shrugged and Ashton giggled.

"Its okay. We can go hang out at my place later , once this is all settled." Michael whispered in my ear. I smiled and kissed him.

"That would be perfect." I whispered back.

"What are we going to do about Clayton?" Calum asked. "Luke's really upset about it. I jad to take him home , so that he wouldn't go and kill Clayton. He really likes Abbey and I'm not sure I can stop him next time." Ashton nodded , agreeing with Calum.

"I know Cal , but we cant do anything. All we can do is get Abbey to stay away from him."

"No." We all turned around and Abbey was standing at the door.

"What?" Michael asked her.

"I have almost every class with him. We have the same major. Plus he's my boyfriend , I'm not staying away from him." She whispered. She looked around at all of us. We all stared at her in shock.

"Where's Luke?" She asked us.

"I took him home." Calum told her.

"Why?" She said angrily.

"Are you kidding me?" I basically screamed. "This is all because of you." Michael whispered stop in my ear. "No! I won't stop , because she needs to know how much she is at fault. You came in and played with him. You flirted with him , making him fall for you. While you were busy pulling him in , you were dating my ex. The one who hit me , and accused me of cheating , when it wasn't like that. I warned you and you blew me off like I was lying. You got hit , ran into my brothers arms. Just to turn around and break his heart some more. So why do you even care were Luke is? You are just gonna go back to the crappy boyfriend of yours." I finished yelling at her.y throat was now killing me. I had never screamed at anybody that much.
Abbey turned around and walked oit of the door.

"Kay."Michael sad trying to get my attention. I turned around and ran into his arms. This time I did start crying. I hated the fact that Luke was at home , falling for this girl , and she was here with a guy who's only gonna hurt her more.

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