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After continuing down the Interstate Dex pulls off at the first exit. He drives towards the local police station. When we get there he pulls the sim out of his camera. He looks at me. "Do you want to come with me or stay in the car?"

"I'll go to cafe and get a drink. It's too hot to stay in the car." I open the door and step out.

Walking over to the passenger side door I open it and unbuckle Faith. She smiles at me and I kiss her cheek. "You and Mommy are going to a cafe while Daddy takes care of something." I place her in the baby harness.

I walk into the cafe and a woman smiles at me. "That's a cute baby."

A smile spreads across my face as I look down at my daughter. "Yes, she is." Faith looks up at me and her bottom lip quivers before she starts crying. I pat her bottom and sway slightly. She starts to quieten down and she falls asleep. Lining up in the queue I wait for my turn to get served.

The door to the cafe opens and Dex walks through the door. He looks around the cafe looking for me. Before he can move from the door a woman seductively says. "Are you looking for me?"

He shakes his head. "I'm looking for my wife and daughter." He points at me. "There she is." Dex walks over to me and he kisses my lips. He pulls away from me and says. "I had to sell it to that woman that you're with me."

A smile spreads across my face. "Thanks for telling her the half truth about us being together. For a second I thought you were going to make plans with her."

He pulls me closer to him. "I would never make plans with another woman. You're the only one I want and if I have to prove that every day of my life I will. I'm sorry I lost your trust a long time ago."

"Its okay, Dex. Having my twin sister around is making things complicated between us. I have never wished anyone ill fate, but my sister I do." I move forward in the queue.

Dex looks at me and our sleeping daughter. He gives me the keys for the car. "Why don't you go back to the car and put Faith in her seat. I'll be out shortly with the drinks."

"Okay," stepping out of the queue I make my way to the door. I'm about to open the door when the same woman that stopped Dex stops me.

She looks me up and down. "What do you have that I don't? Why can an ugly thing like you have a man like that?" She points at Dex. "I deserve to be with him."

I take a step forward getting in the face of the blonde, blue eyed, fake tit Barbie in front of me. "You could have him, but he's made it clear to me that he doesn't want another woman that's not me. You should let him go. There's a guy out there looking for you, but my man isn't the one you're after. Go out tonight and look for him." I open the door and walk out before she can say anything else to me.

Looking both ways I cross the road when it clear. Opening the door I put my daughter into her car seat. She doesn't stir as I put the buckle on her. I step back from the car and close the door.

I'm about to get into the car I hear someone scream my name before a car barrels down the footpath where I'm standing and it collides with me. I go over the top of the vehicle and land heavily on my side.

My head hits the concrete and then I black-out.

My head hits the concrete and then I black-out

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Dex's POV

I give the cashier the money for the drinks and move to the side while the coffees are getting made. Waiting a couple of minutes, my name is called and I grab the coffees off the table. I walk to the door and exit the café.

As I get close to the parking lot I see a car swerve onto the footpath, where Ava is standing. "Ava," I yell.

I'm too late.

I watch as Ava is thrown over the top of the car and she lands on her side. Her head hits the ground. I throw the coffees on the ground and run across the road.

A horn beeps at me as I didn't check the road before I ran across it. I make it to Ava's side and she her eyes are closed. "Ava, please stay with me." I pull my phone out of my pocket and call 911.

Voice: Hello, 911, what's your emergency?

Me: Hello, my girlfriend was struck by a car on the footpath.

Voice: Can I have your location?

I give them my location and they tell me to stay on the line with them until someone has arrived at the scene. The person on the other line keeps asking me questions and I give them the details they need.

Within ten minutes the paramedics are at my side checking Ava over. "Which hospital are you taking her to?"

"Cedars Sanai hospital." Go to the main desk when you get there and they'll give you the information you need."

"Thank you." I open the door to the car and look at my daughter who's still fast asleep. I call Mom and ask her to meet me at the hospital with Ava's father.

Pulling away from the curb I see Ava's twin in my rear view mirror and she waves at me with a smile on her face.

Did she do this to her sister?

I follow behind the ambulance as it drives to the hospital.

Please, be alright, Ava. I won't be able to survive without you and our daughter needs her mother.

A couple minutes later, the ambulance pulls into the ambulance bay of the hospital. I stop behind it and watch them rush Ava into the hospital. Looking into the back seat I see my daughter still asleep in the car seat.

I pull out of the ambulance bay and head in the direction of the parking lot. There's heaps of cars parked close to the entrance of the hospital. As I continue to drive through the parking I see a car pulling out of a parking spot.

Climbing out of the car I pick up my daughter from the car seat and carry her to the hospital. I walk through the door and tell the people at the main desk that Ava was brought in by ambulance and they give me some paperwork to fill out.

Mom and Ava's father walks through the door and they rush over to me when they see me with Faith. Mom takes my daughter from me. "Have you heard anything?" she asks.

I shake my head. "They haven't told me anything."

Ava's Dad sits on the chair and he looks at me. "She's not going to give up on ruining Ava's life. I have a feeling she won't be happy until Ava's dead."

I think he's right. We need to do something with Ava's twin, before she ends up killing the woman I love.

The Billionaire's Baby Agreement (part I and II)Where stories live. Discover now