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Pulling away from the house I see Dex in the rear view mirror. The phone on the seat next to me goes off with the address on Dex's friend.

When I get to the main road I drive up the hill and past the lookout I was supposed to stop at to sleep.

A couple miles down the street I stop in front of an iron gate and there's a security guy at the gate.

Winding down my window I say. "I'm Ava Montgomery. Dex's girlfriend."

"Ah, you're the girl I was supposed to meet up here. The boss will meet you at the front of the house when you get there."

"Okay, thanks." The gate opens and I drive down the path. There's trees on the side of the driveway, which block the huge mansion that I'm about to approach. When I round the corner I see a white mansion that had been newly painted.

Standing on the deck is a man, leaning against the railing. He had a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. Taking a puff he blows smoke everywhere.

Parking the car I step out and greet the man. "Hey, I'm Ava."

"Jonas," the guy holds his hand out to me and I take. "It's nice to meet you, Jonas. Thank you for taking me in at short notice."

"You're welcome. I'll show you to the room. Breakfast will be served at 7:30am, don't be late. I know you want to get out of here as soon as you can, but I won't let you leave without food in your stomach. If I let you leave Dex would seriously kick my ass."

I laugh. "Yeah, that sounds like him."

He leads me through the house. "I was surprised when Dex told me that his girlfriend needed a place to crash. At first I thought he was joking until you pulled the car into my driveway. I've been best friends with that guy forever and he never told me about you."

"Dex, wanted to keep this part of his life private. I supposed he never told you that we have a kid together?"

"No," he stops moving for a moment. "You left him and your daughter to do what?"

"Stop my sister from destroying my life and trying to make my daughter not have a mother in her life."

He racks a hand through his golden blonde hair. "Fuck, sounds like you have a crazy sister."

"Twin sister. We're identical and it's a huge problem."

"Is there anything I can help you with?"

I shake my head. "Nah, I've got everything under control. I have a plan to destroy hers and everyone that's close to her."

Get it. Close. As in the Family CLOSE that my sister is a part of.

A man with dark hair and dark skin steps out of the room. He looks at Jonas and says. "What's she doing here?"

"Lucas, I want you to meet Dex's girl."

His mouth drops open. "That man doesn't have a girlfriend. If he did it would be all over the tv."

It was. Where has he been living? Under a rock.

"It was revealed a couple months back that he had a girlfriend. We broke up after a few things happened. We reconciled, but haven't been seen too much in public by the paparazzi."

"What are you doing here and not being there with him?"

"I have things that need to be taken care of before I can be there for my family."

"Family?" He whispers. "Dex, never wanted a kid. Growing up he would tell us that he didn't want one because the child would have a bad example of one. His parents weren't always good to him and his brother. They play the perfect family well. You wouldn't think anything was out of the ordinary."

I don't think that's true. They seem to be genuine to me.

Jonas touches Lucas's arm and gently says. "Go to bed. You're talking shit. You need to lay off the alcohol."

He bedroom door closes and I'm left alone with Jonas again. "I wouldn't listen to him. From what I've witnessed with the family they have a tight bond, just like him and you."

"Thank you, Jonas." I open the last door on the second floor and see a double bed with black sheets on it. The black blinds are pulled across. "Wow,"

A smile spreads across his face. "I'm glad you like the room." He moves across the room and opens the door next to the window. "This is the en-suite. There's towels in the closet. Is there anything else you need?"

"No," I move over to the bed and sit on it. "Thanks for your help, Jonas. When I get back from taking care of business I'll give you a call and we can do something."

"Sounds like a plan. Maybe, it'll be the engagement party that we get invited too. Knowing Dex he's not going to let you get away from him again." He walks over to the door and closes it. "Goodnight, Ava. I'll see you in the morning."

"Goodnight, Jonas."

He closes the door.

Standing up I pull the sheets back on the bed and climb in. I grab my phone from in my purse and send Dex a message.

Me: I made it safely to the house. Why didn't you tell me that you're friends are so nice?

Dex: I wanted to introduce you to them when the time was right. When we first met it was because of an agreement.

Dex: That wasn't an appropriate way for you to meet them. Then we broke up because of your sister.

Dex: Then we were up in the air because you didn't want anything to do with me because you were hurt because of what happened with your sister.

Dex: Now, that it's over I want you to meet my friend and extended family.

Me: I would like that.

Dex: It has to wait until you return from destroying your sister. Did you know she's hurt my brother a lot since she left?

Me: What do you mean she left?

Dex: In the middle of the day she took the kids and hasn't been seen since.

Me: He still thinks the kids are his?

Dex: Yes, no one can tell him that he's not. He's better without her in his life.

Me: I know. Everyone will be better off without her. I know it's a heartless thing to say, but she's hurt me enough.

Dex: I have to go. Faith is crying. I'm getting rid of the phone tomorrow.

Me: Okay, love you, Dex.

Dex: Love you, too. Be safe and come home to us on one piece, Ava.

Me: I will.

I pull the sim card out of my phone and put it on the night stand.

I'll have to get a new one in the morning.

I put a second pillow on the one that I'll be sleeping on. Turning off the light I lie my head on the pillow.


"Where's the woman you invited in here, Jonas?"

"In bed." He yells.

Walking over to the door I open it and see a blonde. "What's going on?"

She looks at me and says. "Oh," her face turns red with embarrassment. "I'm sorry. I thought he was lying about, Dex's girlfriend. I can clearly see why he wanted to have a safe place for you to stay. You're beautiful."

Now, it's my turn to blush. My face turns red. "Thanks," I'm quiet for a moment before I say. "I better get to bed I have an early start tomorrow."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2020 ⏰

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