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Three Days Later...

After the doctor runs some tests he tells me that I'm allowed to go home, but I have to take things easy as I have a few bruised ribs that will take time to heal.

Looking at Dex I say. "Can you help me get changed? I want to get out of here as soon as the nurse drops off the discharge papers."

"Sure," he grabs the overnight bag and places it on the bed next to me.

I go through it and pull out a black pair of matching underwear and a light purple flowing dress. I climb off the bed and hold onto it for support as I slip my underpants off my legs. Stepping out of the dirty ones I say. "Dex, I need your help."

He takes the black thong off the bed and leans in front of me. He puts my right leg and then left through the underwear before bringing it up legs. He places a kiss on thighs. "You're giving me blue balls here, sweetheart."

I laugh and then hold onto my ribs as they hurt again. "Dex, don't make me laugh."

He smiles at me. "It's true. I just wish I didn't see you get hit by the car your sister was driving."

Was it really my sister driving the car? What if it was someone else dressed to look like us?

The Close family could have someone on the inside feeding them information about what Christa is doing and needed to send to message.

I'm just glad that I was able to put my daughter safely in the car before I was targeted.

Dex slides my clean bra up my arm and then clips it into place for me. Grabbing the singlet top he places it over my head then carefully puts my arms through the small strap. He slides my jean shorts on me. "You're good to go."

The door to the private room opens and a nurse enters the room with the discharge papers. She blushes as she sees Dex in front of me. "I'm sorry I didn't knock."

Dex turns towards her and smiles. "That's okay. I was just helping my girl get changed because she has bruised ribs."

She puts the papers on the table. "Just fill out these forms and when you're done come to the nurse's station. Then you'll be good to leave."

A smile spreads across my face. "Thanks, Gemma."

She walks out of the room, closing the door behind her. Giving Dex and I privacy.

I quickly read the papers and then sign it. Before climbing off the bed and making my way slowly to the nurse's station.

Dex is on my heel with my overnight bag. He stops next to me.

I hand the papers to the nurse.

She takes it off the table and then tells me that I'm able to go home.

Dex lifts me up and carries me out of the hospital. When we get to the car he places me into the front seat. He puts the seatbelt on me. "Do you want to go straight home or go to the beach?"

It's been awhile since I've soaked up the sun.

"I want to go to the beach for half an hour and then we should head home. I want to see my daughter."

"Okay," he walks in front of the car and then climbs into the front seat. He starts up the car and we head in the direction of the beach.

Looking in the rearview mirror I see a black suv driving erratically. "Dex, the black suv has been following us since we left the hospital."

He takes his eyes off the road for a moment. "I know, baby. We'll have to get off the interstate and try to lose them. I don't think going to the beach is a great idea now."

"Me neither." Taking a breath I ask. "Does this have anything to do with what you're doing for Christa?"

"Probably." He takes my hand. "I'm sorry this is happening."

"Please, let someone else do the work of bringing that family down. I don't my life or the life of the ones I love in danger."

He looks back at the road and takes the next exit. "I promise I'll give this up. I didn't think people would be onto me this quick."

"Dex, I told you what they're like. If you would have spoken to me earlier about what you intended to do for my sister I would have told you that it's not worth putting your life on the line for."

My phone starts to ring and I see Christa flash across the screen.

I told her to leave me alone. Yet, she's contacting me.

Hitting the accept button, I put the phone on loudspeaker.

Me: What do you want, Christa?

Christa: Tell Dex to pull over. I need to talk to him.

Me: Are you the one in the black suv?

Christa: Yes, now pull over. We have a lot to talk about.

Looking at Dex I say. "Pull over."

He pulls the car over and we wait for Christa to get out the car.

The door opens and a guy steps out of the car.



She hangs up the phone.

Opening the glove box I pull out the colt I stashed there a long time ago.

Dex looks at the gun. "When did you put it in there?"

"When I first met you. I knew one day I was going to have to use it to save my family."

The guy reaches behind his back and pulls the gun out. He clicks the safety switch off before aiming it at the car.

I don't let him get any closer as I aim the gun out the window and shoot him.

The gun that was in his hands drops to the ground followed by him.

I jump out of the car and head for the gun. Pushing it away I say. "Who sent you?"

He looks me in the eyes and says. "The Close Family. They know you're digging into their lives and trying to bring them down. Your sister turned you in."

"I'm not doing anything."

His eyes land in Dex's. "He is. The car accident wasn't an accident it was a warning to stay out of their business."

Christa's been setting us up for a long time. Is she still one of the Close's? If she is that's totally messed up and she got is all to believe she's not.

"Is Christa still apart of the Close Family?"

He laughs. "She's the orchestrater of all the shit that's happening in your life. Of course she's still with the Close's and those twins are Darren's. You can't save your sister. She crossed to the dark side a long time ago." He coughs up blood. "Tell my family I'm sorry." He reaches into his pocket and pulls his wallet out. "I need you to look my wife in the eyes and tell her you pulled the trigger that ended my life." He closes his eyes.

I can't tell this man's family what I did.

I can't tell this man's family what I did

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The Billionaire's Baby Agreement (part I and II)Where stories live. Discover now