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One Week Later...

It's been a week since Dex asked me to look for an engagement ring with him. I have been avoiding him the best I can. But, it's hard when you live and work together. Every time I enter his office at work it feels awkward.

I enter my office and I place my bag on the table. I turn the computer on and check my phone. I see a missed call from my father. I call him right back.

Dad: Hello?

Me: Hey, Dad. I just got your message on my phone. What's wrong?

Dad: Sweetheart. I'm calling to tell you that Christa's missing. She hasn't been home since Monday. She told me she was going to rehab. I called them this morning and they said that she never checked in. I think she up to something and it's going to involve you, Ava. You need to be careful with your sister.

Me: Why do I need to be careful with her?

Dad: She's bipolar. One moment she can herself and the next she will act erect. I'm afraid she's going to try and take over your life or pull Dex and you apart. I want you to be happy, Ava.

Me: How do you know she has bipolar?

Dad: I spoke to one of her doctor's she visited while living with her husband. They told me if kept taking her medication everything will be fine. I found the medication this morning and it was full. So, I think she's been planning this since she saw you in North Carolina.

Me: Thanks for telling me, Dad. I'll let Dex know as well.

Dex enters my office and he mouths. 'Who is that?" I mouth back. 'Dad.' Dex sits across from me and he puts his feet up on my desk. I hit his feet with a magazine. He takes his feet off the desk.

Dad: I'm going to call her friends and see if any of them have seen her. If you see her can you call me?

Me: Yes, Dad. Bye.

I press the end button and I lean back in my chair.

Dex jumps out of his chair and he pushes my chair upright. He looks at me. "Can you not do that? I don't like the idea of you falling out of the chair."

I roll my eyes. "Nothing's going to happen to me, Dex."

He sits back in the chair and he crosses his arms. "What did your Dad want? I can tell it isn't good news what he told you."

I lean across the desk at look into his brown eyes. "Dad, told me that Christa has Bipolar and she hasn't been taking her tablets. He thinks she's going to hurt me. He wants us to be extra careful and if we see her we have to call Dad."

Dex rises. "What's he going to do? He can't wheel to her and make her do things that she doesn't want to do." He runs his hand through his hair. "I'm going to have security with you from now on. When we're in the office Security won't be needed. But, the instant you step onto that lift you will have them."

"Dex, you don't need to be overprotective."

He glares at me. "Yes, I do. You're carrying my heir. You're sister has bipolar and she's trying to ruin your chances at happiness. I can't believe you still want to stick up for that girl. She doesn't deserve you in her life."

I rise and look into his eyes. "She's my sister, Dex. I'm always going to love her."

Dex walks out of the room and he slams the door. He moves towards his office. He draws the blinds and closes the door.

I look at my computer and I start work for the day. I type up Dex's schedule for the week and I e-mail him.

From: Ava Montgomery
To: dclarkson@aol.com
Schedule - Attachment
9 April 2016 9.30am
Here is your schedule for the next. If there's any changes please let me know and I'll fix it up right away. I'm going to order some donuts for the staff room. Let me know what kind of donut you like.

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