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Two weeks later

The doctor walks into my room with the discharge papers and I go through the paperwork carefully and fill out everything I need. As I sign the last page Dex walks in with Faith.

Faith looks at me and I move over to her. She holds her hand out to me and I take it. I rub her small hand. "Hey, princess." I kiss her cheek. "Mommy, is coming home today."

A nurse enters the room. "I'm here to pick up the forms."

I give them to her. "Can I go now?"

She nods. "Do you have the number for a councilor?"

"Yes! The doctor gave it to me before he left." I move over to bag and I pick it up. "Let's go."

Dex follows me out of the hospital. He leads the way to the car.

At the car I take Faith out of the pram and put her in the baby seat. I put her seatbelt and I climb in beside her. I put my seatbelt on and wait for Dex to get in the car.

I decided to keep the name, Faith for my daughter, as it grew on me and it wouldn't be fair to change her name as everyone was calling her that since she was born. I did however change her middle name. My daughter's full name is Faith Arizona Clarkson. She was going to have her father's last name either way. I didn't want her to lose anything related to her father. I believe that every child needs two parents in their lives.

Faith's going to have Dex and I in her life. She'll visit him on the weekends and I get her the rest of time.

Dex pulls his car in front of a house.

I look at him. "What are we doing here?"

He turns to me. "I know that you don't want to go home with me," he looks away. "I brought this house for Faith and you. I hope you like."

I unbuckle Faith and carry her out of the car.

Dex opens the front door for me and I enter the house.

It's a one story building and the house is fully furnished and there's photos around the room of Faith.

I smile, "I like the pictures, Dex. Thank you for putting them up for me."

"I'll show you to Faith's room." Dex leads the way to the room and he opens the door.

I enter the room and I see a wooden crib next to the wall. A change table next to the window and draws full of dresses, t-shirts, skirts. I put Faith in the crib and I turn on the carousel. I watch as her eyes droop. I hug Dex. "Thanks for doing this."

He smiles. "You're welcome. I hope someday you can forgive me and give me a second chance. I would love to have my family with me."

That's the one thing I want too. For now I'm going to live here with my daughter. You never know what the future holds.

The Billionaire's Baby Agreement (part I and II)Where stories live. Discover now