Chapter 2

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Jaina held on to the hope that her uncle was right. Luke took Ben as his apprentice while Jaina became apprentice to Jedi Master Kyp Durron.

The twins saw less and less of one another due to their training. On the rare occasions they had time to themselves, Jaina spent time with their younger brother, Anakin and the younglings while Ben was always found in the Jedi archives. Often Jaina would find a book in her room with a note from Ben. In return she would leave him hand drawn pictures from Anakin and his friends. The vision did not return during this time and Jaina began to forget about it.

One evening she found a note from Ben in her room. It requested her to come to the archives after everyone was asleep. It had been months since they actually spoke to one another face to face and she longed to spend time with her brother. Later that night she snuck out of her room and headed to the archives.

The large library would have been in complete darkness had it not been for the moonlight cascading through the tall windows. She tiptoes to Ben's favorite spot deep in the stacks of books in the far corner away from the windows. When they were younglings they used to make a fort out of the books in that corner to hide away when they missed their parents. It's been years since she was last there but just the smell of the old pages recalls the memories.

Ben is nestled in the corner asleep with books scattered all around. It looks as though he has been sleeping here for days. Jaina lightly taps his foot with her's. He jerks awake startled and she covers her mouth to keep in her laugh.

"Have you been sleeping here?" She asks pushing the books aside so she can sit.

"Occasionally. It's peaceful." He replies sleepily wiping his eyes.

"So why have you brought me down here?"

He smiles and scoots forward. "Do you know anything about our Grandfather, Mother's father?"

"A little, He was a Jedi that turned against the order and became Darth Vader."

"Uncle Luke told me that Grandfather was skilled with the dark side of the force and quite powerful. He said Grandfather later redeemed himself, that he died a good man becoming one with the force." Ben's eyes widen, "He's come to me and shown me the way... the path I need to follow."

"Came to you? As a force ghost?"

"Yes. He wants me to complete what he started."

"I don't understand." Jaina shakes her head.

"I'm leaving here..."

"Leaving? What do you mean leaving?" She furrows her brows.

"I'm leaving Yavin 4... I want you to come with me."

"But we haven't completed our training... Why would you leave now?"

Ben's face takes on a serious tone. "I will be training under a new master, one with more power and experience than our uncle."

"Who has more knowledge and power than Uncle Luke?"

"Psh... Luke holds us back. He does not use the force to its full potential." Ben spits waving his hand dismissively.

"Who has been filling your head with such nonsense?"

"You are the one being filled with nonsense!" Ben raises his voice as he grips Jaina's shoulders. "We have a strong bloodline, we are strong with the force. We are not meant to serve..."

Jaina shudders at her brother's anger and tries to pull away from his grip.

"You need to calm your emotions." She tries to soothe Ben but this only heightens his fervor.

"There is no power in restraint! We must be allowed to feel! It makes us alive! We must be free!" His eyes are wild and frantic.

"NO!" She pushes him back. "No, Ben. Don't you see you are heading down a very dangerous path, one I cannot follow."

Ben wears a hurt expression and tears begin to form in both twins' eyes.

"Please, Ben." Jaina hestitates. "Please don't be like the vision I had of you."

Ben sits up straighter, "What vision?"

"I saw you... completely dark." She no longer can hold back her tears," You massacred us all...Even me."

Ben looks stunned. "You believe I'm capable of this?"

"No... not until now. " She cannot make eye contact with him.

"Did you tell Uncle Luke about this?"

Jaina just nods her head.

"I can't believe you would tell him before me..." Ben whispers pulling Jaina into a hug. "But I will try harder, I will resist becoming a monster."

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