Chapter 32

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Sorry it has taken me so long to continue  writing. I had some major writer's block. I've been re-watching all the movies in the Star Wars saga which has been helping a bit. Please enjoy. :-)

Just get it over with... Don't be a coward! You'll never be promoted if you can't handle speaking to him. Lieutenant Mikata takes a deep breath before entering the room.

His resolve begins to weaken as he looks up at the ominous figure standing in front of him.

"Sir..." His voice quakes, "We were unable to retrieve the droid on Jakku."

Beads of sweat form on his brow as Kylo Ren turns slightly. "It escaped capture aboard a stolen Corellian YT model freighter."

"The droid...stole a freighter?" Ren's voice was calm but deadly.

Mikata swallows deeply, "Not exactly sir. It had help."

This causes Ren to move completely facing Mikata, becoming even more menacing. Mikata knows this is a bad sign.

"We have no confimation but we believe FN-2187 may have helped in the escape..."

Ren ignites his lightsaber and Mikata shutters bracing for the impact of the scorching blade. Instead Ren begins slashing furiously at the console behind him. Mikata paralyzed by fear just winces as sparks and metal shards whiz by him.

Ren retracts his lightsaber calmly asking, "Anything else?"

Mikata stalls momentarily staring at the smoke rising from the console. This is going to be bad, he mentally notes. "The two were accompanied by a girl."

Ren already unable to contain his rage stretches out his hand violently pulling the feeble Lieutenant toward him.

"What girl?" Ren inquires.

Mikata gasps for breath unable to answer.

Could it be Jaina? Perhaps she came looking for the Resistance pilot. Ren remember seeing her while he was prying the pilot's mind. She was about to marry him the last time I saw her.

"She's ... a scavenger...from the planet." Mikata rasps pulling Ren's attention back. Disappointed, Ren drops Mikata to the ground.

"Find them." He commands stepping over the Lieutenant. "Put a bounty on their heads... I want all eyes of the galaxy on them!"



"The Millenium Falcon? Are you sure?" Leia asks astonished.

Jaina nods, "I'm certain."

"Lieutentant Connix, use the scanners to search frequencies for a Corellian YT model freighter." Leia orders.

"Yes, Ma'am." The Lieutentant acknowledges.

"Also, send out a message to all those loyal to the Resistance to alert us if the Millenium Falcon is spotted." Admiral Ackbar continues.

"Jaina..." Leia pulls her daughter aside. "Did you see or hear if your father was with them?"

"No, I even asked the scavengers, no one saw him." Jaina replies. She sees the disappointment and worry cross her mother's face. "I saw in Unkar's memories that he won the Falcon in a bet."

Leia shakes her head, "Your Father never could resist a bet."

Jaina hugs her mother reassuringly, "You would know if anything was wrong. You would feel it."

"You're right." Leia grins squeezing Jaina tighter.


Millenium Falcon

"Someone's locked onto us." Rey tries to gain control on the freighter. "All controls are overridden."

Panicked Finn climbs up on the console using Rey for balance.

"Get off! Get off!" She slaps his hands away. "See anything?"

Finn sees the opening of a giant hangar swallowing the Falcon. Terror fills him as he slumps back into the co-pilot seat.

"It's the First Order."

"What do we do? There must be..." Rey pleads.

An idea strikes Finn, "You said poisonous gas..."

Rey looks at him confused, "Yeah, but I fixed that."

"Can you unfix it?"

Rey finally comprehends what he is saying. They feel the ship land in the hangar and hurry toward the open shaft in the lounge area.

As Rey lowers Finn and BB-8 into the shaft the lights on the ship turn on and she hears the outer door open. Sliding the grate cover over them she gets to work undoing the tape over the leak.

"You think this'll work on the stormtroopers?" She asks.

"Yeah. Their masks filter out smoke not toxins." Finn answers knowingly.

Rey wonders how he knows so much about the stormtroopers and the First Order but doesn't want to waste time right now to ask him. Finn slightly opens the grate to see whose approaching.

"Hurry!" He whispers.

"I'm hurrying!" She snaps back as he slides the grate cover back.

They hear the door to the lounge open and put on their gas masks. In steps Han Solo and Chewbacca weapons poised for an attack.

"Chewie, we're home!" Han announces triumphantly.

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