Chapter 4

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It had been a week since Kyp and Jaina left for their mission. Jaina was anxious to get back to Ben and Anakin the entire time. Her vision replayed over and over in her dreams while she was away. She needed to check on Ben and speak with her uncle.

As the ship landed near the temple she saw her father's ship, the Millenium Falcon was also there. Giddiness swelled inside her, it had been so long since she saw her father and mother. Jaina ran out of the ship as soon as Kyp opened the doors.

Her father's best friend, Chewbacca came out of the Millenium Falcon at the same time she was coming out of her ship.

"Chewie!" She squealed and ran into the wookie's open arms.

Chewbacca twirled her around while howling with joy.

"It's been too long Chewie! I've missed you!" She declares as soon as he puts her down. "Where's Papa?"

Chewie gestures to the temple and greets Kyp. Jaina races into the temple almost knocking over Master Mara Jade. She runs to the balcony of the courtyard to the sight of her parents talking with Luke. They look to be talking about something serious. Han sees his daughter and his face brightens. He meets her at the steps.

"There's my girl!" He calls as she jumps into his arms.

"Papa! It's so good to see you! I've missed you so much!" She giggles as he swings her to and fro.

"Let me get a look at you." He drops her on the ground and she steps back for his examination.

"What a beautiful young woman you have become!" He exclaims wrapping his arm around her as they walk toward Leia and Luke.

Leia smiles watching them approach.

"Hello my darling." She greets when Jaina hugs her.

"Mother, What are you doing here?" Jaina excitedly asks.

Leia's smile fades and tears well in her eyes. Jaina looks at both her parents who share the same sad expression. A feeling of dread washes over her. She looks at Luke who doesn't make eye contact.

"Kiddo, " Han gently takes her hand. "Ben is missing."

"He ran away a few days ago." Luke chimes in. "Unfortunately, he took out the tracking device on his ship so we aren't able to track where he was heading."

"Do you have any idea where he would have gone?" Leia asks.

Jaina stands there in disbelief shaking her head. Their words just float around her mind.

"I dont' understand..." She musters. "He was fine when I left."

"He wasn't fine, you know that Jaina. He had been struggling for some time." Luke reports.

"No, he was better. His mood had improved. He loved spending time with me and Ani..."

"That's the only time he was calm. He was downcast and angry most of the time he trained." Luke reveals.

"You said he was interested in details of our father?" Leia inquires.

"Yes, that's correct. He was intrigued by him and how he was able to wield the power of the dark side." Luke answers.

They talk around her and she tries to replay the last conversations she had with Ben. Master Kyp joins the conversation and reports the findings of their mission. All of sudden it hits Jaina why Ben could have left.

"Ben said he was going to train with a new master." Jaina interrupts.

Everyone turns to her. "When did he say that?" Luke asks.

"About 6 months ago... before you assigned us as apprentices." She replies.

"Why did you not tell me?"

"I'm sorry, Uncle. I told him about my vision and he promised he wouldn't become the monster I saw him as. I assumed that meant he was going to stay here." Jaina looks down at her feet. Tears stream down her face.

"What vision?" Leia asks and Luke relays the vision Jaina had.

"He told me that Darth Vader came to him as a force ghost and told him to continue what he stared." Jaina continues.

Leia looks at Han desperately. "We have to find him"

"Does Anakin know Ben left?" Jaina asks her parents.

"No we thought it best not to tell him." Leia says.

"He's too young. He will be afraid and it will set back his training." Luke adds.

"Sooner or later we will have to tell him though." Han says.

"Any idea where you will begin the search?" Kyp inquires.

"A month before Ben started officially as my apprentice I took him on a mission with me. We were investigating a disturbance in the force... I stumbled across an old acquaintance of the Galactic Empire, he turned out to be force sensitive." Luke admits. "His name was Snoke and he was fascinated with Ben. He was strong with the dark side. I thought I drove him away but maybe I was wrong."

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