Chapter 5

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Jaina felt drained after talking with her family. Her mind wondered to Little Anakin, who still didn't know his big brother was missing. He looked up to Ben so much and admired him, it would break his heart. She crept into his room and woke him up.

"Ani... Little Ani..." She lulled softly.

His little eyes fluttered open and a smile drifted up his small mouth.

"Jaina?" He cried. "I missed you so much!"

His chubby arms wrapped tightly around her neck. Jaina fought back the tears threatening to spill.

"Would you like a story?" She whispers as she brushes his hair out of his face. He eagerly nods his head and jumps out of bed.

They quietly make their way to the library and head to their secret spot. Sure enough their little fort is still intact. More tears pool in Jaina's eyes. Ani sits in her lap and she wraps a blanket around them both. Ani picks up the book they started reading the last time they were there with Ben. She opens the book and a note falls out. She quickly slips the note into her pocket and begins reading the story until Anakin falls asleep against her.

Trembling Jaina opens the note.

My dearest Jaina and Anakin,

I'm sorry but I have to leave. Our uncle holds me back and he will hold you back as well. We were born to be powerful and our destiny is to be great. I found someone to help ensure that. I will bring about peace and order to the galaxy just as our grandfather, Darth Vader tried.

I will not be the monster of Jaina's vision, I will be the hero of the galaxy.

Please remember you are the two most important people in my life. Take care of one another. I promise I will come back for you both.


Tears stain the paper in her hands. She knows what this means... her vision is coming true.

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