Chapter 8

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Luke and Jaina fly in silence from Jakku to New Alderaan. Two broken hearts grieving. She feels it was a mistake to leave young Rey behind. Anakin gave his life to save Rey and now she was abandoning the youngling on a strange planet. She attributes the pangs of guilt to the guilt she feels for not being able to save her younger brother.

Luke also looks distressed. He has much on his mind and an ample amount of guilt. What had he done to fail Ben? Could it all have been prevented? He must be a horrible teacher to lead Ben astray. He feels the crushing guilt that all the bloodshed is some how on his hands.

They drop out of lightspeed and Jaina sees her home planet of New Alderaan come into view. Her heart aches again as she thinks about seeing her parents after their great loss. Will they blame her for not protecting Anakin? Will they hate Ben for his part in the masscre?

Han and Leia are waiting outside when the doors of ship open. Jaina and Luke carry the crate containing Anakin's body when they exit. Gently, setting the crate down Jaina embraces her parents.

"I'm so sorry Mother..." Jaina begins to sob as she is enveloped into Leia's arms.

"Please tell me Ben didn't have anything to do with this." Han begs looking at Luke.

"I failed you...I'm sorry." Luke mumbles unable to look at either one of them.

"What happen?" Leia anxiously asks.

"He was leading the Knights of Ren... They attacked the temple in the middle of the night. We were the only survivors." Luke's voice quivers at the end. "I'm so sorry... I know I promised to guide him. I failed him and you..."

Leia promptly embraces Luke as he sobs.

Han slips his arm around Jaina as they watch the siblings comfort one another. A few of the Republic members have come out. Han signals two to come and carry Anakin's crate into the palace. Jaina and the rest of the family follow.

The palace was full of council members and those in the Republic army assigned to help find Ben. Everyone gave their condolences to Jaina while Luke was debriefed on the First Order. Jaina feeling overwhelmed excuses herself from the crowd and heads to her room.

She passes Anakin's room but can't bring herself to look inside. She opens the door to her own room and it is exactly as she left it. Her stuffed animals are still lined up around her dollhouse and the pictures she and Ben drew as children hang on the walls.

Her mother must have prepped her room because the bed is made and the french doors leading to her balcony are open, the white curtains are billowing in the wind.The lake is shimmering from the reflection of moon and the stars.

Jaina takes a bath and changes into some clothes her mother laid out on the bed. She towel dries her hair on the balcony.


She jumps at the sound of Luke's voice.

"I'm sorry to startle you. I just wanted to say goodbye." He continues.

"Goodbye? Where are you going?" Jaina asks walking back into the room.

"I have to clear my head. I have so much guilt... over what happen with Ben and the death of our fellow Jedi. I have to find meaning and purpose again."

"Uncle, your purpose is here. Help me... Finish my training. We can work together to bring Ben back to the light." She pleads grasping his hands.

"I can't..." He looks away with tears in his eyes. "I failed Ben and I will only fail you too."

"No, please don't go... " Jaina begs.

"I must.... But promise me, you will stay on the side of the light. Your parents need you." He gently hugs her.

She pulls away, "Where will you go?"

"I'm going to find the first Jedi temple. It will help me get centered." Luke replies.

He hugs her tightly and she fights back tears.

"May the force be with you." She whispers.

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