Chapter 26

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1 Year later...

"Mother, please... I have to find him." Jaina begs.

"It's out of the question." Leia shakes her head.

Jaina rolls her eyes at her mother. "Why? I'm not asking you to come with me."

Leia huffs abruptly standing from her seat. "Tell me...Tell me why you have to speak with your father... He left. He doesn't want to help us."

"He didn't leave because he didn't want to help..."

"No because he couldn't handle it..." Leia interrupts throwing a pillow across the room.

Jaina stands there staring at her mother. She knew asking to find her father was a touchy subject to bring up. She loved her mother but she always felt closer to Han. He would be the one to help her decide one of the most important decisions of her life.

Leia slowly turns to face her daughter. "He left us... He always leaves."

"But he comes back." Jaina shrugs. She feels as hopeful as she did when she was a child.

Leia frowns nodding. "Yes...but I'm afraid this time is different."

"I need him....I need my father." Jaina's eyes well with tears.

Leia moves close to her wiping away the tears spilling down her cheeks. She hates seeing any of her children in pain. "Let me help you."

"You can... Let me find Papa." Jaina sobs.


Jaina exhales deeply before entering her shared quarters with Poe. He's not going to like what she has to say. It feels reminiscent to the last time she went on a mission without him. This time will be different, she will return to him and he promised to always be there for her.

As soon as she enters the room his face lights up.

"Hey babe!" He greets sweeping her into his arms.

Jaina giggles as Poe playfully kisses her neck. They fall back onto the bed and Poe begins to unzip her jumpsuit but she stops him.

"Wait..." She sits up. "I have to tell you something."

Poe sits up as well. "Oh that's never good to hear."

She slaps him jokingly. "Seriously... This is important. I spoke with my mother and... She is letting me try to track down my father."

"All right..." Poe hesitates. "When do we leave?

Jaina caresses his face. "I have to do this alone..."

Poe starts to protest but is quieted by her lips against his.

"Please... I want...I have to do this on my own. I promise I won't be long." She whispers.

Poe sighs, "Fine... You better not keep me waiting." He pushes her hair behind her ears.

"I'll be back before you know it." A devilish smile creeps up her face and she pushes him down on to the bed. "I have some time before I leave..."

He snickers reaching up to unzip her jumpsuit again. 



Jaina lands her ship near the lake. Maz Kanata's castle looks the same as it did when she was a child. At that time she used to pretend Maz was an ancient queen with mystical powers.

She steadies herself and walks toward the castle. This is the first time she's been here by herself and she feels like a youngling all over again. She pushes through the front door to chaos. Today's a busy day at the castle, there are so many beings coming and going. She slowly makes her way to the bar.

"What'll ya have?" The bartender asks gruffly.

"I'm looking for Maz." Jaina tries to sound assertive.

"Who wants to know?" An elderly voice yells over the crowd.

Jaina turns to see Maz standing beside her. The elderly orange humanoid looks the same as she did so many years ago. Maz tilts her head while adjusting her goggles.

"By the stars themselves... Jaina Solo!" She grins wide taking Jaina's hand. "It's been so long my child... Look how beautiful you've become."

"Hello Maz..." Jaina says as she is led over to a table.

"So what brings you here today?" Maz asks after ordering food and drinks for them.

"I'm looking for my father." Jaina answers.

"Hmmm I see..." Maz hums cleaning her goggles. "What makes you think I would know where he is?"

"Because...You know everything."

Maz's laugh is booming for such a diminitive figure.

"I wouldn't presume to know everything..." She says placing her goggles back on her face. "But I would say I know much."

"Please, I need to find him." Jaina leans closer.

"And what will you do when you find him?"

"I just want to talk to him."

"And what will you say to him?"

Jaina sits back. "That's private."

"Will you ask him to come home?" Now Maz leans forward. "Will you persuade him to stop hiding away? To join the fight?"

"You know him. He won't come unless he is ready."

Maz nods in agreement. She stares at Jaina for a few moments. "The answer you are searching for is not with your father. It's within you. It has always been within you. All your answers are there you just need to listen to them. Follow your instincts. Follow the Force."

"I just really miss him." Jaina tears up. "I miss feeling whole and having everyone around. Why did things have to get so messed up?"

Maz lays her hand comfortingly on Jaina's, "My child... Life is messy but you have to believe in yourself. You are the only one that can make you feel whole. Your loved ones they are accessories... enrichments to life but they do not make you who you are." 

Jaina looks out at the bustle of the castle letting Maz's words sink in. She knows the elderly alien is right. She closes her eyes meditating on the force, feeling it's familiar currents. Breathing in and out all other sounds cease. She focuses on her heartbeat and then finds the comfort of Poe's heartbeat, strong and energetic just like him. Warmth spreads through her, she knows what she needs to do.

Opening her eyes, she sees Maz intently watching her.

"Thank you, My ancient mystical queen." Jaina whispers embracing her.

Maz's laugh echoes through the castle.

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