Chapter 17

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"There you are..." Poe whispers as Jaina walks back into her room. He pushes the blankets back patting the side of the bed she normally sleeps on.

"Hey..." She replies kissing him tenderly. "I can't."

He looks up at her with a confused look. "Yes, you can." He pulls her onto the bed and begins kissing her.

"Poe...Stop... I can't... " She giggles between the kisses.

Suddenly there's a knock at her door and someone yells, "Twenty minutes, Lieutenant Solo."

"Twenty minutes for what?" Poe questions.

Jaina sits up pulling her hair up in a pony tail. "I'm going on a mission."

"When will you be back?"

"Well...that's the problem..." She stands and moves around the room putting clothes in her bag. "I'm not sure when I'll be back."

Poe gets up to block her from moving around. "What do you mean you don't know when you'll be back?"

"My mother asked me to accompany Korr Sella to Hosnian Prime. She wants us to convince the Senate to aid the Resistance against the First Order. Well mostly Korrie but I'll be there to protect her and help her in anyway possible." She moves around Poe grabbing a few trinkets and photos.

"Stop... Just stand still for a moment." He frowns grabbing her arm.

"I don't have much time..."

He lets go of her, "So that's it... You're just leaving, we don't discuss anything. You just accept an assignment that will take you away from me for who knows how long!"

"How many missions have you gone on? How many times have you just left without so much as a warning or goodbye? Just last week you didn't bother to wake me, you just left for 3 days! I got to be briefed on your whereabouts when I was doing my shift for scanner duty!" This is what she wanted to avoid, a confrontation.

"This is different! Did you even consider me? Does your mother know about us? I'm pretty sure if she knew..."

"Poe please... You know I can't distract her from finding Luke and Ben..."

"Oh I'm just a distraction!" He spits while putting his jumpsuit on.

"No, that's not what I mean. You know you mean more to me than that..." She moves closer to him. "It's just since Papa left she's been more determined to find them... This is my chance to help her. Please understand, I have to do this."

Poe shakes his head, "Don't go... I love you."

"I love you too... " She wraps her arms around his waist. He leans down and kisses her tenderly.

"I'm sorry..." She looks at him pleading for him to understand. "But I can't stay. My family needs me."

Disappointed, Poe presses his lips to her forehead, "Be safe."

Before she can say anything else he walks out of the room. Wiping the tears from her face she gathers the rest of her belongs and heads to the airstrip. Her mother and Korr are waiting for her at the shuttle.

"Thank you for agreeing to this. It's nice to have at least one friend in the capital." Korr greets before hugging Leia. "I'll let you say your goodbyes."

Once Korr has boarded, Leia embraces Jaina. "Be careful and keep in touch. I love you."

"I love you too Mother..." Jaina holds back the tears threatening to spill. It feels like the day Leia and Han brought the twins to Yavin 4. At least then she wasn't alone, she had Ben.

Over her mother's shoulder she sees Poe standing by his X-wing. She hopes he will come over but he just stares at her. His expression full of sadness breaking her heart. She closes her eyes knowing if she keeps looking at him it will soften her resolve.

Leia releases her. "You better go... May the force be with you."

"May the force be with you." Jaina says walking up the ramp. She pauses and glances one last time at Poe. He has moved from his spot and has his back to her.

"I love you Poe...always." She whispers before closing the shuttle door.

"Goodbye, Jaina." Poe says under his breath as the shuttle zooms out of the atmosphere.

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