Chapter 3

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Jaina tried harder to spend more time with Ben. Every night they met at their secret spot at the library. They would talk about their day and on occasion they would bring little Ani to read books. Ben began spending more time with Jaina, Anakin and the younglings. It seemed his mood had improved and he was more serene.

They both were excelling at their training. Ben was better at combat where as Jaina was better at employing the force. After dinner they would practice their lightsaber skills. Master Luke and Kyp would often watch.

"Jaina is doing well." Luke complimented.

"The force is strong with her. She never gives up until she accomplishes what she puts her mind to." Kyp agrees. "Your nephew is gifted as well."

"He is. His pride is a stumbling though. He struggles with all his emotions really."

"We all stuggle. Remember there was a time I had trouble conquering my rage." Kyp says patting Luke on the shoulder. "Your guidance was the help I needed."

Luke sighs, "There is much of his Grandfather in him."

Jaina gains the upper hand on Ben. She is able to force push him, he lands and tumbles backward. His lightsaber retracts rolling away and Jaina force grabs it. She jogs over to him

"I finally won!" She giddily says extending her hand to help him up.

He smacks her hand away. "I was distracted. You cheated... we never said we would use the force."

"Oh don't be a sore loser..." She goads.

Ben gets up brushing the grass from his pants and snatches his lightsaber from his sister's hand. Luke frowns watching the scene unfold. Kyp walks down to his Padawan and Ben brushes past him.

"You did well." Luke approaches his nephew.

"I lost." Ben whines.

"You had the upper hand for a while. Your sister is getting stronger, it's only practical she begin to win as well. She's a good sparring partner for you. You both are equal..."

"I don't want an equal...I want to be great, the best!" Ben snaps.

"My nephew, we've talked about this. You must..."

"Stop!" Ben holds up his hand, "Save your lecture for tomorrow. I'm too tired for this. Goodnight Uncle."

Luke watches his Padawan sulk down the hall to his room. So much Vader in him.

Later that night, Jaina sneaks out of her room to the library. The fort they made the night before is still in tact but Ben is no where to be found. She settles in the center picking up the book they started last night. Soon her eyes begin to feel heavy and she falls asleep.

The sounds of birds outside wake her in the morning. There is no sign that Ben came throughout the night. She yawns and stretches before heading to her room. After showering and dressing she stops at Ben's room before breakfast. She knocks lightly and Ben opens the door only slightly.

"Hey, you didn't come to the library last night. Are you still mad at me?" She asks.

"No. I fell asleep in here." He answers evenly. She notices there are dark circles under his eyes.

"Oh. Well I had an idea, Want to get breakfast with me and Anakin?" She smiles bouncing on her toes.

"I can't... I have to meet with Master Luke early this morning."

"Ok. Well don't forget I'm going with Master Kyp on a mission so I won't be back for a few days." She excitedly mentions.

Ben opens the door just enough for him to slide out. "Be careful." He mumbles and embraces Jaina.

"I will..." She assures him. "I'll see you when I get back...We'll have a rematch."

Ben doesn't let go for a while. "Remember I love you sis." He says into her hair.

She hugs him tighter, "Love you too."

They release and he slinks back into his room. Jaina stands staring at his door for a moment longer. She senses gloom and there's a sting in her heart. She worries about leaving him alone.

"Jaina, Aren't you leaving soon?" She jumps at the sound of Luke's voice behind her.

"Good morning, Master Luke." She says turning around. "Yes, I just wanted to say goodbye to Ben."

"May I talk to you?" He asks.

"Can we talk on the way to breakfast? I promised Ani I would have breakfast with him before I left."

Luke nods in agreement. They walk in silence for a while until they are at the balcony overlooking the courtyard. Anakin and a group of younglings run around, giggling.

"Jaina, I know you worry about Ben. You need to be wary of your worry though... it can lead to fear which in turn can lead to anger and hate, the path of the dark side." Luke counsels.

"I know." Jaina looks down at her feet.

"Don't misunderstand, I care very much about you and your brothers." He gently lifts her chin up. "You are my family and I made a promise to your mother, my sister to train and guide you and your brothers. It is very important to me, so know I will not lead your brother a stray. I will do all in my power to keep him safe, so do not fret."

"Thank you, Uncle." Jaina smiles.

"Jaina! Jaina!" Little Anakin calls running up the stairs. "I missed you at breakfast."

She kneels beside him. "You ate without me?!" She giggles and playfully tickles him. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a piece of toast and hands it to her.

"I saved this for you!" He announces triumphantly.

"Thank you!" She smiles taking a bite.

"Ah there you are Jaina," Master Kyp greets. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yes Master Kyp." She nods. She kisses Ani on the forehead and sends him back to his friends.

Before leaving she hugs Luke. "May the force be with you, Uncle."

"May the force be with you, my dear." Luke whispers back.

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