Chapter 33

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Fog floods the large dark room. Jaina has a hard time focusing on anything. She feels his presence before he speaks and shudders.

"The droid will soon be delivered to the Resistance leading them to the last Jedi..."

Jaina steps forward seeing the mammoth grey figure of Snoke. A single light shines on his ashen scarred face making him appear even more hollow. He sits on a gigantic stone throne a few stories above her.

He leans forward to stress his point, "...If Skywalker returns, the new Jedi will rise."

"Supreme Leader," Jaina turns around to see the face of General Hux. Chills run down her spine as he speaks. " I take full responsibility for..."

"General!" She jumps at Snoke's booming voice as he stands impatiently. "Our strategy must now change!"

"The weapon..." He offers, "It is ready."

Weapon? Jaina fears for the worse. She remembers the stories of the Death Star. Have they fabricated another?

"I believe it is time to use it. We shall destroy the government that supports the Resistance, the Republic." Venom drips from his words causing anger to fill Jaina. "Without their friends to protect them, the Resistance will be vulnerable, and we will stop them before they reach Skywalker."

Snoke sits considering Hux's offer. "Go. Oversee preparations."

With a wave of his hand Hux is dismissed.

"Yes Supreme Leader." Hux pauses and looks directly to his left, Jaina follows his gaze to her brother. Ren stands solemn glaring through his mask at Hux. She feels the animosity between them. Hux smirks victoriously then walks out of the room.

"There's been an awakening, Have you felt it?" Snoke's voice pulls both Jaina and Ren's attention from Hux.

"Yes." Ren replies.

Jaina heart begins to beat rapidly. Do they sense me here? She begins to slowly walk back toward the shadows.

"There's something more." Snoke continues, "The droid we seek is aboard the Millenium Falcon. In the hands of your father, Han Solo."

Jaina freezes, Papa's with BB-8? She looks at Ren and feels his surprise as well. He looks to the side toward her.

"He means nothing to me." Ren coldly replies. His words pierce Jaina's heart.

"Even you, Master of the Knights of Ren have never faced such a test." There's something in Snoke's voice when he says this, it's almost as if he feels compassion towards Ren.

Ren looks up at Snoke, "By the grace of your training, I will not be seduced."

Jaina can't help the tears forming in her eyes. How can he talk so harshly about their father? Perhaps everyone is right, it is too late to save Ben.

"We shall see. We shall see." Snoke chuckles pleased as he disappears into the mist.

Ren doesn't move until he is certain Snoke's presence has left the room. Cautiously, he looks around the room certain he is alone.

"I know you're here." He says evenly. "I know you've heard everything."

Jaina doesn't move or speak.

"I kept you veiled. Do you want to know why?" He asks stepping down to her.

Again, she doesn't answer hoping she will wake up soon.

"The girl. She has the Force. I feel her strength and potential." He stands directly in front of her. "Snoke will want her."

Jaina stares at her reflection in his helmet. Why is he telling me this?

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