Chapter 7

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"Who is she?" Jaina asks Luke as he carries the sleeping youngling to the back of the ship.

"Her name is Rey. She is Master Mara Jade's daughter." He answers.

"She had a daughter? But I thought Jedi weren't allowed to marry or have children?"

"That was the old way... Sometimes it can't be avoided." Luke replies. Jaina watches as he gently covers the child and strokes the top of her head.

"Is she... your daughter?" Jaina cautiously inquires.

Luke sighs heavily, "How  could you ask me such a thing? I care for her  as if she was my own but I cared for all the younglings this way." He leans over softly kissing her forehead.

Jaina follows him back to the cockpit. "Uncle, why are we heading to Jakku?"

"Ben killed all the Jedi for a reason. He will continue to hunt us and he will either kill her or recruit her to the dark side. She will be safer away from us."

She looks at him in disbelief, "So you're going to abandon her? Wouldn't it be better to continue her training and..."

"No...I will come back for her but when it is safe. She will stay with a friend of mine, Mashra."

"Are we not in danger as well?"

"We are but you will be most useful to your mother." He places a hand on her shoulder. "She will need you more than ever since she has lost your brothers."

Luke instructs Jaina to get some rest, while he contacts her parents. She trudges to the back of the ship and lies down in a bunk across from Rey. She closes her eyes and drifts off to sleep.

Jaina finds herself back at the Jedi temple, walking to the library. It's night and the halls are silent. The only light is from the moon illuminating through the large windows. She heads straight for their secret corner. The fort of books stands as it always has. She crawls inside wrapping herself with a blanket. There's footsteps coming into the library and her heart quickens. In slips Ben dressed all in black with a hood over his helmet.

"Good evening sister." He says mechanically as he pushes the hood of his cloak back.

"You are not my brother." She spits.

He slowly removes his helmet revealing his face. "Is this better?"

"How could you? You murdered all those Jedi, our friends, our mentors... the younglings." She cries.

"It had to be done." Ben simply says.

"OUR LITTLE BROTHER!? He had to die?" She screams lurching forward.

Ben puts his head down, "I never meant for that to happen. I went to your rooms first but neither of you were there. I wanted to save you both."

"You shouldn't have to save us from anything! You should have been at the temple preparing for the Jedi trials instead of massacring innocent people... You shouldn't be on the dark side!"

"I told you. I needed to become great. I'm going to rule the galaxy." He growls at her.

"You don't need to rule the galaxy! Why are you so selfish?"

"I did not come here to argue..." He sighs leaning back. "I am here to encourage you to come to me. I will introduce you to Master Snoke, he knows of a way to resurrect Anakin. He will teach you the ways of the dark side and together we can accomplish our Grandfather's work."

"That's impossible! Don't be fooled by Snoke's lies... Anakin is one with the force and I would rather join him than ever be on the dark side!"

"Jaina, don't be so closed-minded."Ben shakes his head grabbing his helmet. "Clearly you're not ready but when you are, I will be waiting. I will not give up on you."

He turns to exit the fort and Jaina seizes his arm.

"Ben, please..."

"My name is no longer Ben... I am Kylo Ren now. Master of the Knights of Ren. "

"I'm not calling you that." Jaina scoffs.

"As I said you are not ready... When you are, reach out to me."

Jaina opens her eyes and she's back on the ship. She buries her face in a pillow and sobs until she passes out from exhaustion.

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