Chapter 11

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Jaina aimlessly roams around the garden behind the palace. The sun shines brightly in the sky illuminating all the vibrant colors of the flowers. The golden rays warm her skin as she sits peacefully on a bench overlooking the glistening lake. She closes her eyes and hears the ducks wading around in the water. She takes in the scent of the blossoms all around her. Her shoulders relax with each deep breath, she almost feels weightless. She feels the force moving all around her. There's a constant vibrancy to it that calms her. She smirks at the familiarity of it's movement and currents.

She senses her mother's presence before actually hearing or seeing her.

"Beautiful day isn't it Mother?" Jaina says without opening her eyes.

Leia stops in her tracks. "How did you?"

"The force... I felt you coming as you walked out the door." Jaina opens her eyes squinting to adjust to the sunlight.

"Of course." Leia chuckles. "I usually can feel your father's heartbeat as well as yours and Ben's. It keeps me comforted knowing it's strong and beating."

Leia takes a seat next to her daughter. For a few moments they sit in silence hand and hand looking out at the lake. Jaina can feel her mother's tension.

"Are you worried about Luke?" She inquires gently.

"Yes, but mostly for Ben." Leia answers.

"I never thought he would do this. I'm afraid... I'm afraid he can't come back from what he did and has become." Jaina admits.

"I worry about that too. But even Darth Vader turned away from the darkside. We can still reach Ben." Leia consoles.

"I hope so." Jaina replies.

"We must never give up hope." Leia squeezes Jaina's hand lovingly.

"I'm not sure what I should do now. I tried to get Uncle Luke to continue my training but he left. I don't know who I am or what I'm supposed to do. I want to be useful though." Jaina confesses.

"That's why I came out here." Leia faces Jaina. "I've decided to step down as Senator of New Alderaan."

Jaina looks at her mother in shock. She always thought her mother was a born leader. Her place always seemed with politics.

"Why?" is all she could utter.

"Because I feel I can better serve in another capacity. Bureaucracy takes too much time and the New Republic is being too lax in their fight against the First Order. I need to be more hands on if I ever hope to help Ben! I must bring down the First Order!" Leia's fire and passion ignites.

"Well what do you plan to do?"

"I'm going to be a General... Leader of the Resistance. Back to what I'm good at, where I belong." Leia answers triumphantly. "Would you join me?"

"Me?" Jaina shakes her head. "I'm still an apprentice not a Jedi knight. How could I help?"

"Well until we find Luke so he can continue your training you could be a part of the Resistance like a soldier or a pilot. Your father always said you were a natural pilot."

Jaina liked the sound of being a pilot. She always enjoyed spending the day with her father on the Millenium Falcon. She remembers sitting on his lap flying the ship around the galaxy. As she got older he would often let her fly alone while he was co-pilot, much to Chewie's chargrin.

"That sounds amazing... But I don't know how to fly an X-wing fighter."

"I think I can arrange a teacher for you." Leia says with a wink.

Right on cue Poe comes sauntering towards them. Jaina's heart beats rapidly at the sight of him. He flashes his brillant smile and she prays her mother doesn't notice her palm is sweaty.

"Ah Poe just in time." Leia greets. "Jaina has agreed to join the Resistance with me. She is an excellent pilot but she will need some training on the X-wing Fighter. Would you be so kind to show her a thing or two?"

"I would be honored, General." He gives a slight bow.

"Well I will leave you two to work out a schedule." She turns toward Jaina, "I'm so happy we will be spending more time together... Remember we can't lose hope... Now, I have to find your father and tell him the news."

Leia hugs Jaina before heading down the path back to the palace. Poe has already started walking down the dock. The breeze is stronger on the dock and she shudders as she catches up to him.

"Here..." Poe wraps the tan leather jacket he was wearing around her shoulders.

"Thank you." She mumbles gratefully. She basks in the residual warmth of his body in the jacket. She pulls it closer to her and inhales the smell of him.

"Your father sent me to find you. He's come up with a plan." Poe reveals. "He's going to wait until your mother goes to sleep and then come get you. I volunteered to do a recon trip to a planet nearby, I'll be able to scoop out if any First Order ships are still in the system. Then I will have just happen to swing by Yavin 4 where I will meet you both..."

Jaina tries to concertrate on the details of the plan but she's distracted by the excitement in Poe's eyes. His animated way of speaking makes her want to giggle.

"Why are you smiling?" He cuts into her thoughts. "Do I have something on my face?"

This time she does giggle as he brushes off imaginary crumbs from his face and hair.

"No, no... I'm sorry." She shakes her head and reaches to stop his hands. "I couldn't help it, you're excited."

He smirks, "I'm anxious to finally do something. To be a part of the Resistance just like my father. I'm ready to make a difference."

"It may sound selfish but I just want my brother back." Jaina confides as she stares out at the water.

Poe puts his arm around her and tenderly squeezes her shoulder

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